Thats when i got friends with ashley baldock he is extremely friendly, but sometimes gets in a mood for fuck all sometimes he has been diagnosed with asphergus syndrome. He has a big cock which i saw the last time hd6 took a wee in the field trust me i dont want to see that again i was scarred for life.
I didnt give a shit about life back then, he was the only good,true mate i had even though he is a bit fucked up. He stuck up for me a lot actually he still does, but when times were hard and nobody gave a shit about me i started self -harming but my family didnt know.
I used to buy cigs and alcohol from him when those times were the worst i did things i wasnt proud of but now i dont ever want to go back to that we did arson,theft and lot of other things i wanted to change and i did 9hen i started cas high i totally revamped my image for the better. Because if i didnt i wouldve turned out a druggy or a junkie so really my life is better now.