Are you afraid of the dark: Chapter 17

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This chapter will contain minor smut, read at your own risk.


"Im in love with you two". I mumble out.

"No Im actually in love with you". Harry says.

I nod my head.

"Yeah I'm also in love with you". I say while starring down on him.

"No I mean like I want to spend the rest of my life with you. One day I want to marry you and have kids with you. Im in love with you". Harry says while starring up at me.

The corners of my mouth spread to a small smile.

"I'm in love with you too". I say.

A look I'd never seen In Harry's eyes reflect into my own.

"Morgan". Harry stutters up.

"Mm". I mumble out.

I was beginning to pick up on what he wanted.

"I've never". I mutter up.

"Are you ready for that?". He asks.

I nod my head slowly.

"Are you sure?". He asks.

"Yes". I stutter up.

"Your nervous". He says.

"Yeah". I say.

He moves his hand up to my hair.

"That's okay me too". Harry says.

I smile slightly.

"We will take it slow". He says.

I nod my head.

I move my face closer to Harry's.

His lips meet with mine.

The kiss was slow and steady.

No fighting for dominance.

It was nice and slow.

It was beautiful.

His lips trailed down to my neck were he left small and gentle kisses.

His hands slipped under my shirt trying to remove it.

I help him.

Harry takes of his shirt.

His lips meet again with my own.

"Love you so much". He stutters up.

We made love under the Attic

Dust and cobwebs now covering our bodies.

The flickering light of the lantern spreading across the room making the atmosphere the best bit better.

I lay beside him breathing heavily.

"That was". Harry begins.

"Beautiful". I finish.

He nods his head.

"Beautiful". He repeats.

I roll over so I was facing him.

He pulls me into his bare chest.

"I'm the luckiest man on earth". He says.

"Because your absolutely perfect". I say.

"Know, because I have you". He says.

I look down on my wrist to see the tattoo.

"Your stuck with me now". I say to him.

He smiles.

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