7.2K 214 41

Hay guys,

Sorry know this is not an actual update but one should be coming soon and I'm already fixed into writing it.

This will be deleted in 24 hours or so

I just would like to say a few things,
some I'm like overwhelmed and extremely grateful for and some that make me a little upset.

I've never had this much of a response with my stories before and I've wrote the majority of this book while I was 13 and I'm only recently only 14.

I'm not the best at my grammar and spelling so if I fuck up I'm sorry.

I don't need the continuos comments about how bad I am about it.

I can take criticism but when it's straight up like that it sort of bothers me cause things get so me easily, I wish things didn't but they do.

On a happier note shit thank you guys so much.

Honestly can't believe this story has over 8k reads my goal has always been 10k and its so close it's almost in the palm of my hands.

When I mean goal I mean its literally been more like a dream.

I always dreamed of having a some what successful story and in my eyes 8k is fucking amazing!

I know to some it's seen as small but to me each and everyone of you mean the world to me.

Your comments literally brighten my day.

Sometimes there all that keep me going.

I re read the comments every night even the ones on chapter 1.

Your all so funny and nice despite the odd person which I've deleted there comments.

Just thank you I can't thank you enough it's insane.

I love you all so so so much.

If you wanna talk about anything from Bands to Food I'm up for it.

Or if you need me for any reason I'm here.

If your feeling alone or sad ill try my hardest to put a smile on your face cause you all do that for me.

I'm rambling and you probably haven't even read this all but thank you again xx

-Emma xx

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