Chapter 6

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You wake up and unplug our phone from your charger you look at the notifications and there are 7 miss calls and 5 texts from Daniel. You ignore all of it and realize you have got your interview. You put some nike leggings on and a thin jumper. Grab your glasses as the contacts have been hurting your eyes grab a plain black back pack and call an Uber I pick you up. You grab some toast quickly.
"Good luck today y/n." Your dad shouts .
"Thanks love ya."
You walk outside and get in your Uber. You order it to go to Starbucks. You look at your phone and see the unopened messages and miss calls. You shut your phone down so no one can reach you. You arrive at Starbucks.
"Hello I am here for an interview for a job."
"Right this way."
You have the interview which was short and got the job your start next week on Monday (today is Tuesday) an walk out the door with a smile on your face and a coffee in your hand. You decide to call an Uber but just as you go to get our phone out someone calls your name.
It's Daniel you look up and back down to carry on with what you were doing and he runs up to you.
"Y/n can we just talk."
"There is nothing to discuss."
"Please let me explain."
"I am all ears for 5 minutes." You say not looking up once since he shouted your name. "My Uber's coming so make it quick."
"Listen I am sorry I had a go at you yesterday it's just jack told me.."
You don't let him finish his sentence.
"Well jack was wrong. Listen I get it your sorry but it just annoyed me that you didn't trust me."
"Y/n in the past I have had trust issues I thought it was just the same."
"Well it isn't because I actually care about you I haven't dated many people and the ones I have didn't end well that didn't mean I was just going to see you as that stereotype straight away I gave you a chance."
"And I am sorry just let me make it up to you."
Your Uber pulls up.
"I have to go."
"Call me y/n please."
"I will."
You get in the Uber and go home.

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