Why does she hate me?

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Ok, there is this girl I know, and you probably know her from my friend Rayray's story, Rayray Rants, Sydney. SHE HATES ME! I don't have a clue why she hates me (and three other of my friends including Rayray) so much! I am a very nice person! You can ask anybody who knows me! I am almost friends with every person I know! ESPECIALLY NOT F*CKING SYDNEY! Rayray, My friend Ash (Ashlyn), Sydney, and I had this big fight back in winter (just to be clear it was Ray, Ash and I against Sydney) and I thought we settled this. I was covinved that it was a one time thing you know. After we blocked her from social sites (like Facebook ect.), everything was fine, we communicated and stuff and tried avoided the subject. But, then she found me on Google+. After one comment I posted, she started saying all this crap to me. I don't think I should say what she said to me, but lets just say one of those things she said to me was, "Learn English". I'm not sure you guys know why I take that offensive, but I'm Mexican. If anything, I would think you would understand how mad I was when she said that to me, if you were me. I am not sure what I did to her so that she hates me so much. Then I asked Rayray if she could tell her to back off because I knew that if I say that to her, it's not going to do any good. Long story short Sydney turned to bug Rayray (you can know what Sydney said to Rayray in Rayray's story, Rayray Rants) . So know she is a big b*ch (not like she wasn't already) ! Anyways, bye! Sorry I wasted your time xD!


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