Hey guys
My dog just bit me on my wrist because he got a hot dog off the table and it rolled under our table type of thing in our living room. I tried to grab him but he started growling high pitched and bit me. Nobody could get to him without him nearly biting them. My mom took me to the bathroom and put Alcohol (not the drink) on my arm to prevent any infections cuz my sister hasn't taken him to the vet yet. And my mom made this band aid thing with a cotton ball soaked with alcohol and a wrap to keep it in place (we don't have band aids at my house).
Someone plz tell me what to do cuz I don't know what to do.
Random Things
RandomI talk about random things thats happening in my life or on my mind. You can also learn a bit about me. AND SH*T THAT DOES NOT MAKE OJDF JWEGIRUHOWUEHOFN!!!