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The Matter Of Fight,

Noah read the text message twenty times already, thinking it was a joke, but again he wasn't into Jude anymore so why should he care? He gave up on trying to reach out and text Zero to know what the issue of him leaving. So, instead he decided to block and mute Zero and Jude from his contacts and waited for Lionel

Lionel headed out of the bathroom with her hair in a bun and towel around her chest to down her waist. She walked over to Noah and kissed his forehead. "Got a hold of Jude?"

Noah sighed as he looked up at Lionel's eyes. "No, but Zero texted me though saying he and Jude left" Lionel sat down on the middle of the bed

"Wait left? I don't get it, why would Jude leave with Zero?" Lionel asked herself and Noah but trying to figure it out while putting on pantyhose/tights on

"I don't know Lionel. I don't know Jude Kinkade that much like you do" Noah laid his body and head down on his bed

"Of course, but didn't -" Lionel gets cut off from a text message on her phone. "Uh be right back" She got up and went to the bathroom

Noah closed his eyes, thinking about stuff that made him happy. Especially, Lionel. He loved her and he was her boyfriend. But, every time he thinks of something it changes to Jude. He started to think how happy they both were, even though they were just friends nothing more. Well, in Noah's mind it was more, more like romantic interest

Lionel came back from the bathroom. "Jude is in the hospital" Noah open both of his eyes and got up

"What do you mean he's in the hospital? What happen?" Noah walked over to Lionel and gave her a tough hug as she hugged back while crying

"Zero hurt him. Left him with blood coming down his shoulders and back. He is hurt, really bad" Lionel said choking up on her tears as more tears came down her face

Noah turned angry and upset. "He's dead. Fucking Zero is dead, you hear me?" He said crying but with anger. Lionel nodded as they pulled away from the hug

Lionel threw on a blue shirt of Noah's and her black skirt and left Noah's bedroom. Noah stayed where he was and thought/progress what was going on. His best friend, his first true love. His everything was crashing in the older boy mind. He couldn't handle it anymore. He wanted Zero dead, but didn't know where Zero was. Did Zero texted him a lie so he would let Jude die? Noah thought about it

"Hello Jelena" Zero smiled brightly as he closed Jude's front door

"What are you doing here? Where's Jude?" Jelena put up her arms around her waist. She glared at him as he sighed

"Inside his apartment. Gotta go" Zero took off leaving as Jelena looked at him one last time with confusion then walked inside the apartment

Once she walked inside the apartment. She looked at the ground and noticed blood on the floor. She traveled where the blood was and saw what she saw. "Holy crap. Jude!"

She walked over to where Jude was, sat next to him, and felt his pulse. 'Still breathing' she whispered as she dialed 911. Her good side was showing but Jude didn't notice. She texted Lionel

Text Message,
Zero! Zero left Jude hurt. I called 911, Jude is going to the hospital. Please tell Noah and others - Jelena

Noah sat down next to Lionel. Both holding each other hands, worrying together. Noah hated the hospital ever since what happened to his old boyfriend. Noah wanted to be brave but deep down he was hurting. He wanted to be with Jude. Right now, holding his hand, kissing his forehead, telling him, I love you and it will be okay, I'm right here. But, the older boy knew he could never have Jude. Jude wasn't in love with anyone currently or was in a mood to be in a relationship

(So, we don't know Noah's last name yet so, I'm going to use Nerk as his last name)

"Noah, Noah Nerk" The Doctor looked up from his clipboard and exam where Noah was

Noah got up and walked over to where the doctor was. "I'm Noah. Is Jude okay?"

"Come with me please"

Noah walked inside Jude's hospital room. There was Jude. Laying down peacefully staring at the window with machines on his face and stomach. It looked like Jude had cried since under his eyes were wetness. His monitors were going up fast and down slow. His heart were in it's 60's while his lungs were in it's 70's

Noah walked over where Jude bed was and sat down on the tip of the bed. Facing at Jude, he cried. He terribly wanted Zero to be dead. Jude turned around and saw Noah. He got up carefully and pulled Noah in a sad hug

Jude and Noah didn't speak or say anything to each other. Just looked at each other. Noah couldn't handle staring at each other anymore so he took a deep breath and kissed Jude passionately and emotionally. He didn't care anymore if Lionel walked in or doctors,nurses, or anyone walked in and seeing them

He missed Jude's cherry red chapstick and his mint breath. He missed everything of Jude. Especially, his relationship with the younger boy. The younger boy on the other hand, wanted to pull away the kiss but he didn't want to let go of the kiss. He wanted to continue this kiss. This kiss was like they were together for years, months, days, he couldn't handle the kiss. They pulled back

"We really need to stop kissing and get to the point. You are dating Lionel?" Jude raised an eyebrow as Noah felt embarrassed and blushing

"Uh, yeah we started to date today. How do you know?" Noah replied at Jude's response

"Words around the Arena that people want you both together" Jude glared at Noah eyes until he looked down on his hospital bed

Noah flinched for a moment. Jude was his best friend, Lionel was his girlfriend. Everything was different in his life. He helped Jude when he was depressed but Lionel known him longer so what was the purpose on helping when the younger boy was getting help from other people. "I'm gonna go, bye Jude"

Jude started to feel tears come down his face, he wanted Noah to hug him and tell him ''it will be okay'' But, Jude knew he pushed each other away, he told him, he didn't like him anymore. Which it felt was a lie to the younger boy since he did start having feeling towards to Noah


So just to let you all know, I love this show so much been a fan since day 1. I really hope we do get a season 5. I gotta say, James did a wonderful and amazing job on this season that made me think that is my favorite season of all time

Interesting fact about me:

Brent's birthday aka who plays Jude is August 25th while my birthday is August 29th but I am born a few days early. I was supposed to be born on September 5th

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