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Jennifer walked down the streets of Stevenson wearing sunglasses and a hat. Most didn't know her face here but she didn't leave much to chance. She didn't mind fans at all. In fact, she loved them with all her heart. What she minded was the paparazzi. At the moment, she was taking a stroll down the town. She wanted to familiarize herself with the town once again before they started filming.

She was excited to start filming again though lately she had felt uneasy for some reason. Something felt wrong and she couldn't put her finger on it.

She continued to walk down the street taking in her surroundings. Memories of last year flooded her mind. She had always loved this small town and the memories along with it.

Her mind took her back to a memory and last year with Ginnifer. After a day of filming Ginnifer and Josh brought their newborn son, Oliver. I watched as Jared brought him to them after babysitting while they did their scenes. Jared handed the infant to Ginnifer and Jennifer watched as the mother cradled the child so gingerly. Josh came up behind to hold Ginnifer in his arms as she did the child.

Both parents looked at the child with such love and admiration. With one smile from Oliver they melted with a look of pure joy and satisfaction.

She smiled a sad smile. The sight of them was beyond beautiful but something felt wrong. A feeling of sadness filled her heart. She looked at the smiling newborn and knew. She knew why.

She could imagine herself with such a life.

That feeling overwhelmed her once again as she watched a family walk down the sidewalk across the street from her. A couple with a child the age of 4 between them. They lifted her by the arms and swung her back and forth as she screamed out in laughter. They laughed along with her with faces full of joy.

She walked stoically ahead after the sight. Her mind was clouded with thoughts as she passed a bright yellow sign. The vivid sun yellow sign caught her attention a moment before her cell phone buzzed in her pocket.

She looked down at the caller ID with a smile before answering the phone.


Wow. The end of chapter two. Sorry it took a while and it's short but I promise the chapters are going to get longer. These are only intro chapters so after this they'll be lengthier. 

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