Sweet girl

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Emma's pov

Waking up every morning was the hardest. For a single moment she forgot. All the pain and the misery didn't exist in that single moment. In that single moment, she wasn't the orphan who didn't matter. She was a girl waking to the internal clock that ticked in her brain.

Then, the moment faded. The blissful ignorance wiped away. A return to reality for her.

She swept her legs off the bed as she awoke; prepared and ready for another day. It didn't take her long to shower and dress. She woke just before dawn each day, which meant none of the other teens she shared a room with were up. Fully dressed in a hand-me-down jeans and a shirt with a hole in the collar, she made her way up the stairs to the toddlers room.

The group home resided in a narrow but large two-story house. With 7 grand bedrooms it was one of the larger homes in Stevenson. She strode up the stairs two at a time. She gave no care to be quiet. In this house all the children were heavy sleeper. They'd sleep through a train passing if one ever passed nearby.

It wasn't until she stood in front of the nursery did she watch her noise levels. Too late. She'd heard her.

Allison gave a shriek of joy as she heard her just outside the door. Emma couldn't help but smile at the blatantly happy infant. She rushed to pick her up to stop her from shrieking yet again.

"How are you today my little munchkin." Emma cooed to the young child.

Allison gave a laugh in response as Emma bounced her on her hip. She couldn't resist the overwhelming feeling of love for this sweet and innocent child. Every day Emma did this, and everyday she fell in love with her sweet and adorable laugh all over again. As guarded as she kept herself, she knew she would always love Allison.

Emma thought back to the child's first day in her arms.

It was only a year ago did it happen. During a period of time while Emma was back at the group home after being sent back from her last home. A newer guardian, Astrid had been outside talking with her social worker Sasha and she hadn't taken notice until she saw the baby Sasha held in her arms.

Emma approached her social worker and guardian to listen in on what they were talking about when Sasha spotted her.

"Emma dear, come here." She called as made eye contact. Emma grudgingly made her way over ready to be scolded for eavesdropping.

"Emma be a dear and hold Allison while I talk to Astrid,please." Sasha said as she handed over the child. She said please but with Sasha is was a statement. Not a question. Emma took the child into her arm and cradled her like she saw so many people do as they held a baby. At least on television. Emma has never held a child so young on her own.

She rocked the baby in her arms and looked down at the young face that stared up at her. Allison. That's what Sasha had called her.

She had a smile plastered on her face as she stared up at Emma. How could she be so happy? Doesn't she know what this place is? Doesn't she know why she's here? That she's just like the rest of us? Abandoned? Emma thought to herself. But as she saw the blissfully happy child it brought a smile to her own face. What she wouldn't give to be that bliss. That innocent.

Allison was lucky. She was a baby. She was a cute and sweet little girl. She would get adopted easily.

"Em" "Emmie" Allison squealed with delight.
Emma rocked the infant to quiet her. The guardians didn't appreciate being woken so early in the morning.

"Hello my sweet girl." How are you today my favorite little munchkin?" Emma cooed to Allison.

A smile burst on the child's face as she held her hands up to touch Emma's face.
"Emmie" she laughed again.

Emma couldn't help the smile that made its way to her face. She felt nothing but pure joy when she held Allison.

"Come on sweet girl. Let's go get you something to eat before we go to the park. Is that what you want? A fun day at the park?"

"Ya-ya." Allison replied with such enthusiasm Emma found herself smiling yet again.

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