Chapter 1

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Alexis Makia Marie Emeh | Lexi

"ALEXIS WAKE YOUR ASS UP!" I groaned as I heard my mom yelling this is a every morning thing that she does

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"ALEXIS WAKE YOUR ASS UP!" I groaned as I heard my mom yelling this is a every morning thing that she does . I laid there for sum time before actually getting up .

Walking toward my dresser I grabbed a plain white shirt and a pair of light blue jeans and underwear and placing them on my bed .

Oh I almost forgot I'm Alexis Emeh . But I go by Lexi . I'm 17 years old and a senior in high school and my birthday is Ocrober 2oth. Anyways that's enough about me for now .

Walking out of my room I went into the tiny bathroom me and my mom shared . Placing my things on the counter I turned on the water and turned it towards hot and waited some time before checking the temperature .

I sighed feeling the water was cold knowing my mom didnt pay the bill . I jumped into the cold water I washed up quickly before getting out and drying off . I wrapped the towel around my body walking back into my room locking the door putting my clothes on . After I was done I sprayed myslef with perfume put on lotion and deodorant and slipped on my shoes .

The only reason I have the somewhat nice things I have is because I have a job at one of the local targets . It doesn't pay much but it pays enough for me to get the things I need and to pay my phone bill . I refuse to be a bum Like my mother .

Picking up my backpack I made sure I had my phone earphones and charger before I walked out of room and towards the kitchen . Checking the refrigerator seeing nothing but old milk and some old leftovers I decided to eat when I got to school . When I walked out of the kitchen I seen my mom passed out on the couch with a needle still in her arm . I hated seeing my mom like this but no matter how much I tried to help her she wouldn't stop .

My mom got hooked on drugs when I was 2 . After my dad died everything went down hill . After My mom got hooked on drugs she lost her job . She has sex with men for money and I hate it . But who am I to stop her .

Walking down the steps of the apartment I walked to the bus stop with my head down low . Once I arrived I seen that the people who have been picking on me most of my life were there rolling my eyes I stayed a few feet away from the crowd .

"Aye Alexis" someone said and I turned my head and it was This girl Jessica "your so fat and ugly no wonder why your your mom doesn't want yhu" she says as the people she was with snickered .

It wasn't a secret that my mom was the way she was and that she didn't care for me . I put my head back down wishing this bus would just hurry up .

After school

The Bell had just rang and I picked up my things placing them in my backpack before rushing out of the class and into the crowded hall . Pushing my way through the crowd I finally made my way through the double doors walking out of this hell hole called school . And I started my journey home .

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