Chapter 3

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Alexis Makia Marie Emeh| Lexi

I woke up to the covers being snatched off my body making me groan loudly

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I woke up to the covers being snatched off my body making me groan loudly .

"Stoooop it's cold" I said snuggling more into my pillows .

"Get up its 1 in da afternoon"

The deep voice boomed making me jump this wasn't Amadi it was some one else . I recognized who it was once my eyes adjusted to the lighting it was the dude I punched in the face the other day .

"May I ask why your waking me up nigga ." grabbing my tooth brush and blow dryer out of my bag and walked into the bathroom closing the door .

"Your dads making me take yhu shopping. Be ready in a hour" he said from the other side of the door .

Not replying I started to do my daily morning routine including showering . Once I was out I blow dried my hair . looking under the sink I was hoping to find a hair straightener and just my luck there was one .

After straightening my hair I walked into my room and grabbed my duffel bag that sat on my bed and I looked in it to find what I was gonna wear . I decided on a black shirt , dark jeans , and my checkered vans .

After getting dressed I put on eyelashes , lipgloss, And sprayed myself with some perfume . Once I was finished with everything I grabbed my phone and charger out of the bag and headed downstairs .

I seen the boy whose name I did not know yet sitting on the couch eating a bowl of cereal with his feet propped up on the coffee table watching Martin re runs .

He couldn't see me walk in because the way the house was set up the stairs were in tha middle of the kitchen and living room and the couch was facing forward . So I snuck up behind him and I slapped him hella hard on the back of his neck making him drop his cereal .

"MY FUCKING CEREAL" he yelled in a high pitch scream I couldn't help but to bust out laughing . He turned around and looked at me with the meanest mug ever . If looks could kill I'd be 6ft under right now . His glare was so intense it made me stop laughing .

He got up from the couch and I started walking slowly backward . As soon as I seen him hop over the couch I ran like fucking flash towards the kitchen . I turned my head to see that he was too know running making me speed up .

Once I made it to the kitchen I stopped trying to catch my breath . I was now on one side of the island and he was on the other .

"Bring yo ass over here now"he said a little to calm for my liking .

"No thanks"I said before I did the dash again . As I was running passed the front door I seen it open which gave me the opportunity to run outside .

"What the fuck" I heard Amadi say .

I was soon swooped into someone's arms .

"Put me down" I yelled and laughed at the same time that's when he finally put me down .

"Square up nigga since yhu wanna play so much fight me" he said throwing up his set . So I put mines up to .

After that we just started play fightin in the front yard . But I tripped and hit my head on the mirror of the car door . My donor and the boy laughed I got up rubbing my head that shit hurt bad as fuck .

"It's not funny" I mugged them both .

"That's what yo ass get why y'all fighting anyway" My donor said as his laughter died down .

"Cause her stupid ass hit me and made me drop my cereal on my pants"ole dude said mugging me I really need to learn his name .

"Did yhu clean up the cereal" He asked with a stern face .

"Uhhh I'll go do that now" tha boy said walking back into the house .

And I followed pulling my phone out of my back pocket I powered it on . Soon as I typed my password in multiple messages from my mom started to pop up .

Mother🙄: I want you back home

Mother🙄: NOW!!!

Mother 🙄 : I know your no good ass see my text .

Rolling my eyes I decided to just not text back . I walked back into the house with Amadi following me he said something that made me turn around so fast .

"You have a brother"

"Huh ? " I don't think I heard that correctly .

" You heard me but I just found out today so don't think I was keeping it from yhu"he said handing me a McDonald's bag .

I sat down down opening the bag and started to eat .

"How'd yhu find out ? " I questioned while munching on my chicken sandwich .

"His mother hit me up today and told me about him I guess she's dying and she can't take care of him anymore or sum shit " he sighed .

"How old is he"


"So is he coming to live over here orrr ?"

"Yea I pick him up later on today"

I left it at that I kept eating .

10 minutes later...

"Yhu ready to go" tha boy asked

"Yea lemme throw this away" I go up and threw my trash away "I'm ready" he looked up from his phone and opened the door .

"Ladies first" soon as I stepped in front of him he punched me in my head . "Ahh shit... yhu dumb bitch" I looked back and flipped him off and all he did was smile .

This is kind of a weird way to leave off but who cares .


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