Part 11

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I found myself wandering through the forest, yet again. This time, Josiah was standing next to me.

            "How the fuck did you bring me here?" He grunted, looking around.

            "I- I don't know." I sighed, turning to him. "But, follow me." We began walking through the forest, flashes of yellow lights flickering in the night sky, dancing with greens and purples. Aurora borealis. "We're in Alaska?" I asked.

            "Yes. Fairbanks. This is where your father's cabin is." I looked at him, confused.

            "Cabin?" We continued to trudge forward, the blades of grass softening the footing beneath us.

            "You didn't know he had a cabin up here?" I sighed, running my hands through my blonde locks. "Wait. Stop." His hand reached protectively in front of me, pulling back immediately at the contact of my chest. "Sorry." He whispered, crouching low, pulling me with him.

            "What?" I asked. "What's wrong?" My eyes shot immediately to the crunching sound to our left. "It's a dream, Josiah, a premonition. They don't know we're here." I assured him.

            "Your father." He eyed my father, walking up to our side and into the cabin ahead of us. I could hear him on the phone.

            "Bring her here." His voice wasn't like the father I knew and loved; it was gruff and exhausted. His face seemed to be gaunt, wrinkles covering his expression. I could see him pacing the windows before the earth-shattering scream echoed through the forest. I turned to run, grabbing Josiah and pulling him with me.

            "You need to see this." I whispered, coming up to the clearing. "Look." There dream us were, walking into each other. Dream Sarah, clearly terrified, fought against the man pulling her into the woods. Beside me, Josiah stared, his mouth agape as he watched himself pulling me. Dream Sarah broke free, running. Instead of chasing her, however, we decided to stay in the clearing, watching the dream-version of Josiah pace frantically, reaching for his phone.

            "I'll find her, don't worry, Lex. I'll find her." I looked at Josiah as he looked back at me.

            "You're helping me?" I asked.        

            "It would seem so." He huffed.

            "Come with me, back to the Cabin." We ran to the cabin just before dream Sarah made it into the door. Watching through the window, I stood, mouth wide as Josiah lurched into the door, pulling me with him. Inside, dream Sarah was standing before her father, the silver reflection of his revolver hanging loosely in his hands. A loud bang roared through my ears as Josiah and I were both slammed back into consciousness, a cold scream ripping through my lips.

            "That was the weirdest thing I've ever experienced." Josiah stood, shaking his arms and head. "What in God's creation was that?" He looked to me, extending a hand to help me up.

            "My death." I said, stumbling as my feet regained their footing. "It's not him, guys. I know it. That's the second dream I've had about him. About-" My words stopped. Betrayal rang through my heart as I sobbed, silently.

            "Your father." My mother's soothing voice washed over me and her comforting hand wrapped around my arms, pulling me tight. "He's always been the key."

            "I was going there to see him, wasn't I?" I asked, crying into my mother's shoulder.

            "I'm not sure, but we can't let that happen." My mother's hand rubbed comforting circles on my spine before James walked over to me, scooping me up. Wrapping his arms around my back and thighs, he held me; my feet were dangling from under his grasp as he gently tightened his grip around me. My arms instinctively wrapped around him, burying my face in his neck. The sharp pain, the betrayal, was too much. I cried. Hard. Letting myself fall limp in his arms.

I couldn't deny he was attractive. I couldn't deny that there was a slight connection, but it wasn't as strong as the one I shared with Lex. In fact, it was growing weaker. My connection with Lex is undeniable, but my connection with James was shaky and unsteady. My heart was already making its choice.

            "I am so sorry, love. I truly am." I could see Lex tense, his jaw clenching and his muscles firming up tightly.

            "Alright, that's enough." Lex's voice cut through, tensions rising.

            "A little jealous, are we?" James teased, putting me back down.

            "A little desperate, are we?" Lex snapped, turning to him. 

            "Boys, enough, you're brothers." I stood between them; my hands instinctively flew up to their chests to separate them. "We need to leave. I want to go home. Well, your home." I walked to the door, swinging it back open and standing in the hall, tapping my feet. "I need a shower and chocolate." I smiled.

            "Coming right up, M'lady." Lex scoffed, walking in front of me. James followed behind as we made our way to the car, stepping inside. The city street lights swooned me as I began to shuffle through the thoughts and emotions of the last two days, putting me in a catatonic trance for the remainder of the car ride.

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