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Jeniah's POV

Kim didn't know I went to the same school as her until now so she was hype when I told her but I thought she already knew

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Kim didn't know I went to the same school as her until now so she was hype when I told her but I thought she already knew.

"biiiitch lemme tell you." I was hooked before she could even finish saying bitch.

"giiiirl spill it." this was a daily thing for us.

"you know the ex I was telling you about?" I nodded my head.

"her and the girl i was talking about pulled up today in her new car. matching." oop.

"where they do that at" I said scrunching my face up.

"hoe iono" she said shrugging.

"and they still say they don't go out?"

"yup. thinking we all boo boo the damn fool." I couldn't help but laugh when she said that.

the bell rung saying that lunch was over and we went on to fourth period because we had it together. when I came in I saw this fine ass light skin sitting farther than everybody else. I forgot his name. I've heard of him.

"yo Kim who is that over there?" I said and pointed to the boy in the black jacket.

"oop girl that's Vonni" She said it like I knew why that was a oop. I was staring at her funny.

"Tierra ex" oooohhh that made since.

"oh bitch. what a dumbass to let him go." i said smirking.

"I wouldn't do that niah but okaaay"I went and sat there and then he turned his head and looked at me weird.

"Hi I.." before I could finish he started talking.

"if this is Kim tryna get back at Ti Ti I don't want it. ion think I want this either way." rude ass.

"well dang." I said.

"I know I'm sorry I'm just not done wit Ti and she not done with me so I don't want to waste your time namsayin" he said finally looking up.
his looked changed but then changed back.

"ight whatever" I shrugged and walked back to Kim.

"told yo stubborn ass so." she said laughing.

"fuck youuu" I said laughing with her.

when the bell rung me and Kim popped up and headed towards our last class for the day.

we had mrs.Rodriguez for spanish. when we walked in Kim stopped in her tracks.

"stop playing little ass girl" I heard a deep female voice saying and I saw two familiar faces.

"hooooeee give me my sunglasses. you being a trip pooh." then I realized it was Tierra and Andy.

"welp this should be fun." Kim mumbled and sat down.

Tierra's POV

I just saw Kim walk in with this really pretty girl that I've never seen

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I just saw Kim walk in with this really pretty girl that I've never seen. Then Vonni followed. I don't really know how I feel about what he said earlier. I believe him. but then again I don't.

I was chilling on my phone when a name I ain't seen in a minute popped up on the top.

hey shorty ain't talked to you in a minute. i just want to check on you. how you doing?

i'm doing okay,could be better. thanks this really made my day lol. how are you bry bry?

i'm doing ight. would be better if i had a Tierra. namsayin?

come get you one broski🤷🏽‍♀️.

i only want one. i'm giving her space till she ready though. once i got her i want to keep her.


yeah,i know.

I ain't want to text him back cus I knew it would turn into something else. i really had feelings for him and I don't want to ruin anything.

"hey" I looked up to Vonni.

"hi" I looked back to my phone. this teacher was mad chill like that. she didn't think we should do hella work on the first day.

"did you drive?" he asked me.

"no she didn't i did." Andy answered for me.

"chill out Andy" she seemed aggressive.

"no I got a ride from Andy why?" I looked at him and really realized how much I missed him.

"I want to go visit the boys and Tod told me you wanted to too. I can take you after school." Andy was mugging him mad hard and I wanted to laugh.

I had to think about this because I haven't talked to him in like a month and a half. it could be awkward. but we do need to catch up.

"okay I'll go with you." i shrugged and got on my phone.

"I'll wait at the front entrance for you okay?" he said standing up.

"sure." I kind of regretted my decision five minutes after.

like what would we talk about? like i'm nervous. the bell rung and Vonni left. I went to my locker to get my stuff.

"don't be out too late Tierra okay?" Andy sounds like somebody momma.

"okay mother." I rolled my eyes.

"daddy, you mean daddy" she gets on my nerves.

I walked outside and I saw Vonni chilling on his phone in a black car with the windows down. I went to open the door and he screamed at me.

"did you think that rule changed? back up shorty!" he came and opened the door.

"omg vonni" I rolled my eyes and got in.

"lemme play some music hun. so it's not so quiet." I said.

"i mean it wasn't going to be quiet but here's my phone." he gave me his phone locked like I still knew his password.

"yo fingerprint still in it" he shrugged.

i went to spotify and turned on the music. when I was about to put his phone down he got a text from some kaiden person saying

"when you bringing yo ass home a bitch bored"

I was immediately mad. iono why but i was.

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