Principal walked home by his self Thinking about baldi The whole time
Got to his house and went to bed
The next day principal got ready to go to the school house with baldi hay baldi.....are you feeling better today? Principal asked. Yah alot more better thanks for noticing baldi said with a happy voice wow ok then principal said
Principal and baldi got really bully was getting ready playtime was already ready
She started to eat her breakfast then bully and playtime were on their way to the school house A couple minutes later
Principal and baldi eat breakfast then they were on their way to the school house playtime and bully where already there when principal and baldi where walking to the school house hey principal do you want to play a game??baldi ask Sure what game??principal responded TAG YOUR IT!! Baldi yelld as baldi runs as fast as he can oh I see how it is now principal said as he starts running towards baldi GET BACK HAERE !!! Principal yelled NEVER!! Baldi responded back as he was looking behind him still running GET OVER HERE!!! Principal yells as laughing principal starts to run even faster Then troops principal starts falling to the ground
principal blacks out baldi keeps running
Then troops baldi starts to scream out of fear then Falls in a ditch and never came back up........... A couple hours later
Where are those two!!! playtime asked out of Worry calm down they're probably playing tag again bully response