driving evak to school...

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• them insisting to sit at the back
• being all cute and adorable
• you regretting agreeing to take them
• isak being loud as shit
• "can't you see i'm trying to drive? be quiet"
• "can't you see i'm trying to have a conversation with my boyfriend? be quiet"
• even trying to start conversation with you
• isak giving pecks on even's neck
• even not trying to have a conversation with you
• feeling like the biggest third wheel
• "i love you more"
• "no i love you more"
• "can y'all stop being so disgusting for like two seconds"
• "what are you talking about we are the cutest couple ever"
• not responding, you know it's right
• being relieved once you finally arrive at school
• them hopping out before you
• having little butterflies thinking back about how cute and soft they were with each other
• insisting to give them a ride every single day
• becoming the worlds biggest evak shipper

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