prom with chris would include...

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• being really nervous that he won't like the way you look
• chris waiting for you downstairs with your parents
• "you better treat her well"
• "no worries sir, i don't plan on doing anything else"
• "no drinking, no drugs no hands"
• "sir this is a school thing i don't know how we could do drugs or drink"
• "y'all kids can do just about anything nowadays"
• chris' jaw dropping when he finally sees you walking down the stairs
• unable to contain your blushing and smile
• chris placing his hand around your waste.
• "erm erm"
• "dad give it a rest!"
• walking out of the house and seeing william's car
• seeing william in the driver's sit
• "what is he doing here?"
• "he promised that if i beat him at an arm wrestle i could drive you in his car"
• "but chris, he's the one in the drivers sit"
• "lets just say my best friend doesn't trust me"
• arriving at the venue last
• chris having plan this to get all the attention on you guys
• the girl squad fangirling about you two looking adorable
• having to force chris to have a slow dance with you
• "i don't want to"
• "chris let go of william's arm and come dance with me!"
• having your first dance
• chris asking for another slow song
• "someone is enjoying this"
• "shut up y/n" and

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