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3rd Person


Izuku woke up from his slumber to the sound of his phone vibrating. He reluctantly got up and grabbed it. After rubbing his eyes a bit, he looked down at his phone to see it was his alarm clock. In that very moment, Izuku had broken the record for how fast someone can ever put on clothes.

Time Skip

' SHIT! I AM GOING TO BE LATE!' The greened haired boy said while running with all his might to the beach. He was running through the road and saw a car coming his way. He acted on instinct and jumped over it onto the sidewalk. He continued running, occasionally bumping into people. He finally arrived at the beach with 30 seconds to spare.

"Wow, kid. You look exhausted." All Might said. Izuku gave him a quick glare before catching his breath. "I *inhale* am ready All Might," Izuku said after finally catching his breath. "OK then. Let's get started. First *plucks out hair* EAT THIS!" All Might said.

"Are you serious?" Izuku deadpanned. All Might nodded his head, and Izuku sighed before eating the golden string of hair. "W-why is it s-so s-sour?" All Might ignored what Izuku said and looked at the boy with a smile. "It is going to take a while for your body to digest the hair. So for now, I want to see the full extent of your quirk." Izuku nodded to what All Might said. "First, I want to know how much you can lift. Second, how fast can you run? Third, how good are your analyzation skills? Last but not least, I want to have a spar with you so I can determine how much you've grown from now until the end of your training." All Might informed his student. Izuku nodded with a determined and excited look in his eyes.

Lift Test: Izuku was able to lift 2.5 tons. He was able to go higher, but he feared that it would dent his exoskeleton, which would be a pain in the ass to fix.

Speed Test: Izuku was able to run 38 miles per hour.

Analyzation skills: All Might told Izuku that he was going to do his fastest combo at full speed. To the normal human eye, it would look like a blur. But to Izuku, it looked a LOT slower than a blur. Enough that he was able to say all the moves he did.

The spar: In the spar, Izuku was able to do fairly well because of his durability and his analyzation skills. Though, he was still defeated pretty easily.

"So, All Might, what do you think?" Izuku asked his new mentor. "I think you did amazingly. What surprised me the most was your strength and analyzation skills. Now, I believe you should have digested the hair by now. So, look at the ocean, clench your butt cheeks, and scream from the bottom of your heart 'SMASH'!" All Might said enthusiastically. Izuku nodded and walked to a clearing to see the ocean, he reals his fist back and yells SMASH and swings his fist forward with all his might.


There was a humongous shockwave, and the ocean parted to make two 20 foot waves. Izuku held a shocked face before it turned into one of slight pain. He looked down to his right arm and saw that all his flesh was blasted off his arm. It didn't hurt, but it did look like it did. "MY GOODNESS, YOUNG MIDORYIA, ARE YOU OKAY!?" All Might yelled with concern. Izuku nodded and explained to All Might that "The drawback was supposed to break my bones but since my bones are metallic and more durable than normal human bones, the drawback bounces off my bones and back into my skin, which made my arm like this." All Might sighed in relief after hearing this.

"Well, that completes your first day of training I guess. I can't bear to see your arm like that. Let's call it a day and go home. I will see you tomorrow when your real training begins!" All Might said to his green haired successor. Izuku nodded happily at his teacher. "So you tomorrow Young Midoryia." All Might said before jumping into the air. Meanwhile, all Izuku could say was......'Woah'

Hey guys, I decided to update this next. Also, due to me being in school, I haven't really had time to focus on my schedule. So I am just going to update any book that I think needs updating. Just going to tell you guys now, that some of my books require a little research and estimation, so that is why it will probably take a little longer to update something. Until next time, peace.

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