Wolves Blood Prologue

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            The man stood inches from her crushing her neck within his palms.

The darkness was spreading within his heart. The queen glanced up with her ice blue optics. The weakened queen only had one choice in this matter. Bending his arm from her neck

She shocked him with the strength of her arms. She sent the man screaming in pain.

"You betray my Holy Order!" She screamed in rage.

The emotions burned her throat as it painfully came out of her eyes in the form of tears.

"Why, After everything you swore to protect, you have thrown it all away!"
Her eyes glowed a translucent blue as she was influenced by Idor'ae herself.
Ivalon bent his arm backwards painfully. Pulling on the muscles and causing the man to bed over in pain. He grunted loudly. Idor'ae's rage channeled through the woman, "You betray everyone!!"

"You had a duty to uphold what your brother had left!" Ivalon screamed, the tone of the voice changing as Idor'ae screamed through the woman standing in front of him.
His only reply was to the woman ignoring the words Idor'ae had spoken. "I am not sorry for my deeds. If Love is a cri-crime then I w-w..Would gladly commit it.. again. Af- after all" He choked out the words as he gasped for air. She clenched harder on his throat with blood-lust anger as he continued to finish. "A-af-After all you wer-were born from mistaken love.."
Ivalon swelled with anger as blue fire burst from her back in the form of six wings. They glowed a bright fiery deep blue color as a demonic like voice belted from Ivalon's throat.
The man's eyes darted as he choked. "R-r-release-me" He said as he gasped "Yo-You are no bet-better than Talindra!" He said with coughing gasps
Ivalon's eyes flared in a translucent blue, Idor'ae spoke through her,
"You dare speak of the broken daughter!" Her voice was deep, and laced with power.
"Talindra will pay for her crimes!" She yelled as she held the man's throat.
He smiled, "Whatever you do! I will find a way out!" He yelled

Ivalon slammed him down on the ground as she began to pray "Idor'ae give me one last act, Let us save our crumbling order. We must before Bantu emerges." She said

Within an instance a blue light peered its way out of the clouds. The clouds opened as a Castle could be seen floating amongst the clouds.

The light beamed over Ivalon as it began to course through her veins. It ran up her veins of her bloodstream causing them to glow a translucent blue. "You will be born into another life. Your spirit leaves this body and goes to another. I'm giving you another chance.
Take it wisely. For if you don't....I will end you!"
She screamed as the power flowed through her.

In a booming voice she casted the spell of banishment.
"Tu remotus es,
Maledictus es in aeternum,
Nunc de lupo natus es,
She loudly shouted as the spell flung out of her chest in a red chrome flash of light.
The spell ripped his soul and spirit from his body. He screamed a blood curdling howl one last time as the body dropped to the ground.
The power from Idor'ae faded away, and the clouds retreated back over the skies. Ivalon dropped to the ground. Another man came rushing to her aid. "Lets get her back to the castle, she is weak."He said.

There was a crowd of unknown species around Ivalon, and the strange man.

"She has induced into labor. We must act quickly. Get her to the castle!"

The mages of Nytl'aquia rushed out of the palace. Elves began to surround the area. As the guards came out. Their black armor shimmering in the light of the three suns of Ashoria.

The noble women of the Elvish district came fourth, they surrounded the queen. A young elvish girl came fourth, Her hair was wavered and brown. The little girl spoke in a frail voice as she came up to Ivalon,"Hun Greit?"She asked.

A guard tried to shoo her away when a human stepped in. "She is royal, Half. Anya Ravarac.." The manspoke in a hostile tone. The elf rolled his eyes, "Prove it..Human.." The guard said.

While they were having a power-play, Anya went up to Ivalon. The mages had not moved her yet, The child came close to Ivalon. The mages glanced around and tried to shoo the half-elf child. "Leave, hastily.." they whispered sharply.

Anya ignored them as she continued to get closer to Ivalon. The man who stood up for her was continuing to bicker with the guard, "Check her birthmark!" He yelled, "She had an affair with me!" He continued to yell, getting very visibly angry. Anya came up to the queen her small hand extended out towards her belly. Anya closed her eyes as she began to hum a tune.

The man turned around "Anya..No!" He yelled as a purple aura enveloped both Ivalon and Anya, It began to lift them in the air. The guard sworn to protect her began yelling into the sky, "Halt!" Several wings sprouted from Anya's back as Ivalon's eyes burst open with a gasp of air.

The purple aura vanished as the small child known as Anya gently put her down back onto the ground. When Ivalon's water broke upon the ground. She gasped as she sighed heavily "Not now, not on the field of battle." She whispered as a sharp contraction pain blew through her body like a wind storm. She gasped in pain as she yelled "HUSBAND!"

Another man broke his way through the crowd.
Anya was grabbed by the human," Bernard jeg reddet henne," She said as she put her finger towards the woman.

The Mages were stunned as they pulled the human from the crowd. The guards put the man into chains. Amidst her birth she called out, "Guards..Halt!!" She yelled in the middle of her contractions, "Do not touch that child! AAAGH!" She screamed in pain. The contractions were magically induced by Anya's power. The veins on the side of her head were pronounced.
"She is royal..She is Talindra's child..And she will be taken care of." The guards nodded and pushed the man and Anya to the ground.
Ivalon sneered at her guards. Another contraction screamed through her body. Anya came to the aid of Ivalon. Placing her hand on her stomach the purple aura came through her hand as the pain vanished.

"trykk..Push" Anya's small voice rang through,
"Jeg har født mange storfe The small child said, The device around her neck translating her language. "I've done many cattle births."

The man beamed with happiness as his daughter helped the queen. Within moments; a shrill cry could be heard.
Ivalon's tears became joy's as she shouted, "Alenia!" Ivalon turned to Anya, "How old are you?" She asked. Before Anya was able to answer a loud crack could be heard from the forest beyond the kingdom.

Talindra and Secrion came rounding the corner, "Oh look mistress..We arrived..Just in time," Ivalon became hysterical, "NO! You can't take my child!!" She yelled, "Please!"
The guards came to the defense of the queen, Their swords at the ready. But they were only flung like rag dolls. The guards poured from the palace in numerous bodies, You could not count them. Secrion began to laugh,

"You think this will stop me Ivalon, NOTHING will stop my conquest of this world" He said with a laugh.

Talindra gazed down at her sister; "For taking my child..Now I take yours.."
Ivalon laughed "Your child is standing right next to me" She said.

Anya glanced up at Talindra, "Claire?" she asked in a small voice.
Talindra stared at the child for awhile as the red in her eyes began to fade, Blue began to come through her pupils. "An--Anya..Bryliyana." She whispered as she knelt down beside her and hugged her.
Secrion came towards them and put his sword to her neck, "You have work to do," He said sternly and strictly as he pressed his hand into her shoulder. Talindra's newly sharpened claws pierced Anya's back, .Anya began to scream as the blood drenched down her back. "Momma stop!" she screamed.

The man behind her ripped her from Talindra's grip, Anya's back drenched with blood. "Joseph!" she screamed as Talindra picked up Alenia still held to the umbilical cord. Alenia's shrill cry alerted the guards; as they began to fight their way through the nobles losing their minds. A man with bubbled green skin, an old worn trench-coat, his ears were sharp along his head. He had black slicked hair. It was pushed to the back of his cranium.

His hazel eyes and english style clothing made him stand out from the crowd of elves. He stood amongst the fighting as he squinted. He carried a very large Clismark Iskine staff with a large twisted knob on the top of it. He shouted, His voice reverberated across the battlefield."ENOUGH!!" He shouted.

The impact of his voice caused the ground to split, and Ashoria to shake massively. The guards forcefully dropped their weapons as well as their enemies.

They stood as they tried to grip their weapons but failed, Dropping them to the ground. Kharzug walked through the crowd as everyone he passed froze within time. He walked up to Talindra as he squinted, "You have caused enough trouble.." He strictly said.

Talindra gazed at him with hatred as she could only watch as he took Alenia from her arms. Kharzug moved his way towards Ivalon, "I must, It is for the best." He said Ivalon's eyes squinted as tears fell from her eyes.

Kharzug scowled, Before he could announce the spell Talindra had broken free of the time spell. She sank her teeth into his neck as she stabbed him through the back. Kharzug gasped nearly dropping Alenia to the ground when Joseph snatched her from his hands. "SAY THE SPELL!!" Joseph screamed as he held Alenia close to his chest.

Ivalon chocked on her scream as she gagged in pain while Secrion stood over her draining her life spirit.
Ivalon chocked over her words as her voice was strained but she managed to let out a loud raspy scream, "Go!!" As she held Secrion over her. Secrion laughed manically. "You stupid little elf, to think that YOU could stand above the Lord of Darkness. Its rather pathetic!"
Ivalon grunted in pain as she screamed a banshee like scream. "GO!"

Joseph was overwhelmed with a choice. He had to choose his daughter or his wife. The panic rose in his stomach bubbling into his throat as tears welled.
The time lock spell began to wear as the people began to grasp their weapons.

Joseph held his babe while holding a sword. "Back you heathens of darkness!! You shall not touch this child!"
Kharzug painfully pushed the blade from his shoulder out his back in the last minute bits of Adrenalin.
He shouted in a commanding voice. "rhimnger behia!!"

Within a few milliseconds, A portal rose from the ground shimmering in crystals. Roots sprouted from the ground to hold it into place. It seemed as if all hope was lost when a flashing light sliced the clouds. Three beings wrapped in light floated from the sky. Their voices boomed as light covered their faces.

"Secrion! You are hereby charged with celestial's order. You have committed atrocities across the universe, today..It ends," They all said in unison.

Secrion began to laugh as Talindra moved from Kharzug and swiftly stabbed one of the Holy Aura's members; The other two forced Talindra into a choke hold; Joseph watched in a panicked motion, as Ivalon hand signaled him through the portal.

Talindra screamed,"Secrion... the child!"She said pointing as Joseph moved through the portal, Causing it to destabilize the moment he entered.
Secrion screeched as he watched Talindra be stabbed by the blade of the Aura, "No!" he screamed as Joseph vanished. He hissed as he side stepped into the shadows vanishing into black mist.
Secrion left Talindra laying there.
The Holy Aura surrounded her, "We have a fitting punishment for you..' Was all they said.
Talindra squirmed in their grasps "No.. No.. Why must I be punished but not the Goddess herself..!" She screamed. She fought them as they rose into the air heading towards Baht Bay. 

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