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Devon pov.
Mom- Martinus, Marcus and Emily are coming to pick you up soon.
Devon- Okay coming! I yelled back running down the stairs with my back pack.
Like usual I woke up late, which means no breakfast, great. I grab an apple before heading outside to see my friends.
Martinus- Hey Devon!
Devon- Hey guys!
Emily- Are you guys ready for the math test today?
Martinus- No.
Marcus- I think I'm going to fail.
Devon- Same I studied so much and I'm still not ready.
Emily- Yeah me too.
*skip to school*
Finally lunch! It felt like forever. I grab my lunch from my locker and find Martinus to come and sit with me. Marcus and Emily are already at the table waiting for Martinus and I. We walk to them and sit down as I see Charlie, my crush.
Marcus- Stop staring Devon
Devon- I'm not staring I barley looked at him!
They all laugh at me as we begin to eat.
Martinus- So we have a football game today maybe you guys could come and watch?
Emily- Yeah sure, that would be fun.
Devon- Um yeah I guess.
Marcus- You guys could come to our house after too I'm sure our parents wouldn't care if you did.
Devon- Okay that sounds good.
Martinus- Great, Charlie's going to be playing us.
They smirked at me then laughed while they're watching me blush.
Marcus- Just be at the field by 5:00 and we will see you there.
Emily- Okay.
I don't know how to feel about this anymore, I'm obviously going to go but I think I'll be fine.
*skip to after school*
I walked in my house to find the pleasurable smell of cookies.
Mom- Hi honey, how did your test go?
Devon- It was good!
It was horrible!
Mom- That's good! So are you going to the game tonight?
Devon- Yes I am, is that okay with you?
Mom- Yeah, are you going to the boys' house after?
Devon- How did you know?
We both laughed as I went upstairs then I saw that Jack (little brother) kept smiling and smirking at me. It's probably because of Charlie because he knows my crush on him.
I started getting ready for the game and FaceTimed Emily.

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