Scared.I had just awoken, with a unbearable head ache that spread to my entire body. Barely opening, I tried to use my eyes to look around.. it's really, really dark. My memories can't seem to fit together. I can't remember anything. All I know is.. my name is Gardenia. Nothing else is coming back to me. Why is this happening? Where am I? Why am I.. I took a deep breath, calming myself down.
You'll be okay. Just gather what your area is like, and try to find people. You will know sooner or later. Responding to my own advice, I began to focus. All I can make from my surroundings is a cool object behind me, a few chairs, and a table. With all of my strength, I tried standing up- the chilling temperature being no friend of mine. Eventually, my body managed to stagger itself up, allowing me to atleast limp to search a light source.
My first instinct was to search around the walls, so I slowly made my way to the border of the room. Upon reaching the wall, I leaned my body on it and grazed my hand while moving, in desperate attempt for a switch. Seemed like it took forever, but I ended up where I began.. none found. Sighing, I kneeled down and cluelessly searched on the floors. There was barely anything to see, so chances of finding something, let alone a specific item would be unlikely.
Objects I found were a wrench, cylinder containers, and other weird stuff. This place must be a lab, or something. Nothing was helping my ever-growing nerves, though. Moving only made me feel more nauseous, and thinking was making my head ache- but I kept going. I had to, there was nothing else I could do. Finding my way back to my start point, I sighed. Out of curiosity, I ran my hands on the table to search for things. A object stood out to me, mildly heavy and probably made of metal. Fiddling around, I pressed a button, and light shone out.
"Of course. A flashlight RIGHT where I began.", sarcasm leaking through my tone. Nonetheless, I was extremely greatful, and used it to look around. Just as my suspicions, it looked extremely like a laboratory. Turning around, I saw the cold object- it was some sort of container- thing. It was like a vault, with bedding inside and such. Opened, I inspected closer, and came to a sudden question that drew worry. Letting my thoughts escape," Did I... come out of here?"
My memories may be gone, but I think I would have some sort of deja vu if I was stuck in here. If that was the case, that would've meant that I've been.. chyrogenically frozen. Maybe I don't know myself, and maybe I'm completely different, but that's impossible to live through, especially in this age. I know I... don't know anything, but even a concept as this seems too ridiculous to be reality. While thoughts overflowed my brain, a terrifying realization came to me.
I wasn't the one who opened the vault, someone else did. Immediately, I surveyed around the room, checking for anything potentially dangerous. "H..Hello?", I tried getting a response, but no answer. My mind was racing, fearing the thought of someone hiding in the shadows, ready to do anything to me.. but upon searching, no one was found. Sighing of relief, I decided for my next action should be to look for an exit- which I did find a door while looking around.
My body had gotten to better strength and wasn't limping constantly, but the coolness in the air made it hard to be completely fine. Not that I cared, I just wanted to get out and ask so, so many questions. Infront of the door, I spotted a blade. Slowly, I went to pick it up, and grasping it filled me with sudden courage. I've never used a sword before, so I'm not quite sure where it's coming from, but I'll take it as a sign to keep going forward. My hand reached the doorknob, and suddenly, I felt a huge dread blanket me. The hesitation grew and.. I don't know why. What if.. I was put here to die, and if they find me they'll kill me? I-
"I'm overthinking! Let's get the hell out of this place!", I yelled to myself in frustration. With a sudden enragement, I pushed the door to reveal.. a hallway. Light was on, and everything seemed clear. There were shelves full of seemingly new objects, but have been concealed within plastic for some unknown reason. Keeping respect, I didn't pick up any of the items and just moved on. I needed to get out of here, my lungs were starting to ache from the compressed air. Making my way out of the hallway, I seemed to be in a normal office building, nothing THAT strange. Looking around, I saw no one present. It was extremely odd, and uncomforting.
Couldn't care less about answers now, this place was freaking creepy and I wanted out ASAP. That was.. until I looked out the windows. What I saw was beyond what I could ever have imagined. Everything was ruined and flooded, even to the point of some buildings being completely underwater. In awe, I collapsed to my knees, and just stared. The area was swarming with these weird looking robots, which had also been equipped with weapons such as swords and guns.. it was terrifying. After seeing this site.. I had no idea where I was supposed to go- what I was supposed to do..?
I wanted to scream, but there was nothing or no one to listen. Everything.. ached. Someone. Help...Please.
Slapping myself, I came back to my senses. I couldn't believe how pathetic I was acting. Grasping the sword in my hands, I realized I had to defend myself, and run. Upon this, I got up, and charged to an exit as far as I could. No stopping now, since there's no where to rest. I'm scared, but I have a weapon, and I must use it. Luckily, it was nearby, so I rushed to the door and made my way outside, ready to fight.
AdventureA human finds herself lost in a new world, with.. machines and androids? Some are allies, and some are enemies.. but which is which?! With the struggle of having amnesia, and being putting in a completely new place, Gardenia will go through an emoti...