chapter one

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First day of school

Ne'veah p.o.v

"Veah come downstairs and eat your breakfast before it gets cold." I rushed down the stairs 'cause duh.. Who doesn't like food?

My mom had made my favorite , bacon and eggs with toast. I got some orange juice  and ate my breakfast . When I was done it was already time to go. I hugged my mom goodbye as I left to my best friend's house.

When I got there I rang the doorbell. The door then rushed open and she yelled really loud before jumping on me. "Are you ready for your first day at valley high?" She grinned . "I guess so." I chuckled.

"Where is that mighty fine brother of yours ?" She asked while looking around. I rolled my eyes. "Fine? Wow you are insane , but he went with my dad to work for a little while."

"What the- ,he works?",she asked surprisingly. "No." I laughed, "he just watches what my dad does at his job. He will get dropped off at school later by my dad." "Okay just let me know when." She smirked while I rolled my eyes and fake gaged.

Many people would be grossed out that their bestfriend likes their brother, but she's been liking him since she first layed eyes on him. So I've been used to it my whole life. I checked my phone and it was 7:47am .

"Umm Veah why does it look like your eyeballs are about to fall off ur face?" She said concerned. "Tanisha the BUS COMES IN 3 MINUTES GET YOUR SHIT AND LET'S GO BEFORE WE MISS THE DAMN BUS ." I yelled. "Well damn chill the BUS stop is like 30 seconds away from here ." Tanisha replied.  "Better safe than sorry." I yelled running to the bus stop. "At least calm down." She mumbled once she caught up.

At the bus stop we met up with Tanya and Makayla. "Hey bitches." Tanisha said. "Hey hoe." They replied in a unison. I laughed at how stupid we are and said "What's up?" "Girl we-" Makayla got cut off by the bus coming.

"The bus is here" Tanya said. We all looked at her. "Naw shit captain obvious." Tanisha said. We got on the bus and sat next to each other. "So how does it feel like to be back in houston?" "It feels good to be back home but I kind of miss Detroit." I said. They nodded they head and the rest of the bus ride was silent.

About 10 minutes later we got to Valley High.  All of a sudden my stomach got nervous since it was my first day of high school of course.

I turned to all the girls and they all looked so excited. Total opposite of what I'm feeling. "Guys it's going to be so much fun this year , Team freshmen." Tanya yelled. I hope so. I really hope so.

We went to the in cafeteria ,but since we all ate separately at home we just decided to go to the bleachers. When we got in the gym it was already halfly packed .

I saw some similar faces and some fresh faces. As I was looking around I caught eyes with this dude. He was a fresh face but the eye contact was to intense so I looked away.

"Guys is it just me or are y'all nervous?" I asked them. "Shit I thought I was the only one." Makayla answered making me feel a bit better.

"Ayo guys look over there. They're giving out schedules let's go get ours. I'm dying to know what classes we have together." We all agreed and went over to get our schedules. We got in the lines which matched our names.

I felt someone come behind me and turned around. It was the dude who I had the intense eye contact with. He looked me up and down and smirked. Ugh boys never a day where they don't check on girls bodies. I quickly turn around to avoid any type of communication.

Once it was my turn in line I told the counselor my name and she gave me my slip. I joined Tanisha and Tanya and we waited for Makayla to join us. Once Makayla joined us we checked our schedules and we all only had two periods together lunch and english.

I had almost all my classes with Tanya except biology which was fine, except I didn't nobody else from our squad had my biology class. Tanisha had it another period and Makayla had it with Tanya.

The first bell rang which signaled dismissal so we all headed to our first period. Well unlucky me cause my first period was biology.


So how was the first chapter? 786 words omg so much. I would be wrote more but it's 12:25am and I got church so goodbye.

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