Bonus Chapter 1

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It was the first time Scarlett had had that feeling before. The weird tingling sensation in her stomach that simultaneously made her want to throw up and/or laugh. She had originally thought that she was just getting some vomiting bug or it was nervous. When your sister has been kidnapped by an evil fox, you’re bound to be a little on edge. But somehow, she knew it wasn’t that.

Scarlett and her friends all hopped out of their various vehicles, girls hopping out of Allison’s car and the boys out of Stiles’ jeep, standing in a circle. Scarlett took in Stiles’ gaunt appearance. His eyes sunken in, his face white. He couldn’t even manage a proper smile like he usually did when they saw each other. He looked like he was dying.

They were standing outside a gate that said Oak Creek. They were at the internment camp were all of this had started. That’s where that son of a bitch who was possessing one of her best friends had taken her big sister. Scarlett stood next to Allison, who was usually her support system during times like these. As soon as Scarlett thought of Allison being there the feeling in her stomach got worse. She didn’t think that was a good sign. Allison seemed to notice her discomfort and placed her hand on Scarlett’s shoulder, squeezing it slightly to reassure her. Scarlett and Allison locked eyes then turned to Scott.

Scott looked at everyone in turn. He seemed just as nervous and twitchy as the rest of them but Scarlett had to give him props for trying. “We’ve done this before, guys. A couple of weeks ago, we were standing around just like this, and we saved Malia. Remember?” She saw Allison nod a little. Scott seemed to get more confident as he spoke. Scarlett could tell that this pep talk was working. But not on her. She still couldn’t forget the fact that they had too much to lose this time. Way too much. “That was a total stranger. This is Lydia.”

Scarlett took a big breath, trying not to scream or cry in frustration. Someone had taken her big sister. And that someone was going to die. “I came here to save my sister.” She said with determination.

“I came here to save my best friend.” Allison’s hand left her shoulder. Instead she gripped Scarlett’s hand, squeezing it.

She saw Scott looking at Stiles before saying “And I came to save mine.”

Everyone was looking at each other. Scott was right. Lydia wasn’t some random stranger. She was important to all of them. “Well, I just didn’t feel like doing any homework.” Isaac interjected.

Scarlett’s eye twitched. “I agree with Stiles. I don’t get his purpose here. Seriously. Please, enlighten me.”

Isaac just rolled his eyes and walked away. The group followed him through the gates. The plan was for Scarlett, Stiles and Scott to find Lydia and for the others to find Noshiko. As Allison was about to walk in the other direction, she grabbed her hand, pulling her back.

“What? What is it?” Allison asked. She knew that the look on Scarlett’s face wasn’t just because she was scared of the unknown. The younger girl knew something.

“Be careful, okay?” she said.

Allison stepped a little closer. “What do you know Scarlett?”

She was silent for a second. Her theory was if she didn’t say it, and this feeling was wrong, then this was a fluke and would never happen again. But she couldn’t take that chance. “Allison… I’ve just got a feeling that…”

“Someone isn’t leaving here alive tonight.” Allison finished.

Allison didn’t ask anything else. She trusted Scarlett. She had known for a little while that Scarlett may be more supernatural than anyone had guessed. Whether she was a banshee or not, Allison knew that one day she would be important. Allison had a feeling that her almost sister was right about what was going to happen.

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