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Evelyn Uluivuya was humming softly as she washed up the lunch dishes. She had assisted Millie to her comfortable chair in the living room, where the elderly lady liked to sit and read for awhile after lunch.
"Rrrrinngg -" Millie's phone sounded, its old-fashioned ringtone disclaiming its state-of-the-art technology. She had a smartphone, and she knew how to use it.
"Hello, Bobby," Millie said brightly. Evelyn surmised that the caller was Millie's nephew, Bob Preston. Bob, the eldest son of Millie's sister May, was a vigorous man of seventy who frequently visited his aunt...

"Evelyn?" Millie called out, sounding as if she'd already called once - not impatient, but questioning. Evelyn, realizing that she must have been daydreaming, stepped into the doorway and sheepishly responded,
"Yes, Miss Millie?"
"That was my nephew Bobby on the phone. He and Kathryn want to come by with their son and his family. They'll be here about three o'clock, and I want to have a little something for them. Would you mind running to Riese's?"

Evelyn glanced at her watch, a chunky rectangular one with elephant-shaped links forming the band.
"Twelve forty-seven... I'm just finishing the dishes, and then I'll go. What would you like?"
"I'll text you a list while you finish up in there."
Evelyn smiled to herself as she went back to the sink. Miss Millie was an amazing lady! Ninety-five years old, and sharp as ever. How many people her age could use modern technology with such ease?

As Evelyn entered Riese's Supermarket, a poster on the bulletin board arrested her attention.
"MISSING DOG!" it proclaimed in bold lettering, accompanied by a photo. The dog, described as a pepper-and-salt giant schnauzer, looked just like the one who had come visiting the previous day. Evelyn read the brief plea, which concluded, "Answers to 'Norman'".

"Miss Millie! What do you think I saw at the store?" Evelyn asked excitedly as she came in the door with the bag of groceries. Millie fluffed Louie's fur and replied,
"Something from Fiji?"
"No - it was a notice on the bulletin board."
Millie smiled and shook her head.
"I can't imagine; you'll have to tell me."
"It was for a missing dog. I'm sure it was the one who visited yesterday! It looked just like him. What do you think his name is?"
"It couldn't be Normandy? Could it?" Millie responded, her hand stilled on Louie's back.
"No, but almost - it's Norman!"


Ordinarily, Dena was a little wary of answering an unknown caller on her phone. She received so many telemarketing and other unwanted calls that she had set a separate ringtone for numbers not in her contact list. Now, with Norman missing, she found herself wanting to hear it. She was carrying a basket of freshly dried laundry up the stairs when it happened. Hurriedly, she took the last three steps to the landing and set the basket down.
"Hello," answered a fluid, melodious voice, "My name is Evelyn. Are you the one missing a dog?"

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