Michael Feels Clingy

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            The boys had just finished an amazing show and now rested in the dressing room. While Ashton and Luke bounced around the room, running off adrenaline, Calum and Michael found spots to lay out on, seeming completely opposite to their bandmates. Calum spread himself out on the floor, using his backpack as a pillow while Michael collapsed by me.

            We had a few hours to waste in the dressing room as we waited for the crowd to leave and security do a quick sweep of the entrances and exits to make sure no one tried to sneak in. I sat at one end of the small sofa in the dressing room, playing on my phone. I’d seen my boyfriend and his bandmates perform plenty of times, so missing one small show didn’t really hurt.

“Babe” Michael whined, kicking his shoes off and curling up to me.

“Yes, Mikey” I cooed, playing with his newly lilac locks as he nuzzled my neck.

“I’m so tired” he groaned, a bit louder than necessary.

“Shut up!” Calum snapped from the floor, having been in a grumpy mood all day.

“You shut up!” Michael snapped back.

“Both of you shut up” I mumbled, not bothering to yell.

With a huff, Michael wrapped his arms around me tightly, seeming to cling to my side.

“Why don’t you lay down, babe” I suggested softly, pulling a small pillow onto my lap.

“Will you lay down with me?” he asked into my shoulder.

I nodded.

            I lay down first with Michael following slowly. He wrapped his arms around me, his chest pressed against my back as we squeezed together on the small sofa. His legs wrapped around me as well, pulling me even closer against him. Once he settled down I continued scrolling through various social media sites, liking and commenting and just generally scrolling.

“I love you” he mumbled into my hair.

“I love you too, Mikey” I smirked, noting how clingy he was being right now.

He always got a bit needy when he was tired.

“Your hair smells nice” he added, squeezing me gently in his arms.

“Thank you” I mumbled, opening another app.

“I missed not seeing you at the show” he continued.

“Babe, how about some water?” I asked quickly, untangling my legs from his and standing up.

“No” he whined loudly, grabbing my wrist as I fixed my hair “don’t leave.”

“I’m just getting some water” I reassured him.

“No” he grumbled, looking up at me with big innocent eyes.

“Two seconds” I told him, bending down and kissing his nose.

            I managed to slip my hand from his grip and make my way over to the mini fridge where Luke also stood, digging around for something.

“He’s so whipped” Luke commented as I grabbed some water bottles.

“He’s just in one of his moods” I replied with a shrug.

“Last I checked 'needy man-child' isn't a mood” Luke snickered.

            I hit him in the arm with a water bottle before making my way back to my boyfriend. He smiled when he saw me approaching and opened his arms, not for the water but for me. I sat down on the small space in front of his stomach and handed him an open plastic bottle.

“Drink” I told him, taking a sip from my own bottle.

            He did, chugging down half the bottle before I could even swallow the swig I had taken. Handing it back to me, he sighed in satisfaction before pulling me back down to lay with him. With an eye roll and an amused smile, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he nuzzled the crook between my neck and shoulder, squeezing me tightly in his arms.

“I don’t like not having you here” he mumbled into my shoulder.

“I know, baby” I cooed, deciding it’s best to just coddle him for a bit.

“I love you” he repeated.

“I love you too” I replied, running my fingers through his hair.

For the next two hours, he just kept still, not bothering to drink more water or even play on his phone. I continued to run my fingers through his hair, knowing how it relaxes him. I could feel his brow piercing poke into my jaw slightly. Michael’s fingers began to play with the edge of my shirt.

“Why don’t you go see what Ashton’s up to?” I asked after a short while.

“I’m good here” he replied, beginning to nip at my skin.

“Mike” I giggled, pushing him back slightly “not here” I smirked, glancing over at Calum who had his back to us, scrolling through Twitter.

“But babe…” he whined, dropping his head back down onto my shoulder.

“You’re so needy tonight” I commented.

“I’m not needy…I’m punk rock” he grunted from my shoulder, making me laugh.

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