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It was evening that Saturday and I had the worst plan I'd ever come up with. The big plan I was to just sneak out. I knew it was a stupid plan. There was no way my parents would not notice my absence from the house for three hours. A part of me was hoping that they wouldn't find out but the smarter side of me knew they would.

At this point I knew I'd have a confrontation with my parents but I was hoping to come up with a reason of my absence good enough to be let go unpunished. Thing is, I was ready to face the consequences of my actions, actions that had not even be done yet.

As soon as dinner and the dishes were done, I went to my wardrobe and chose clothes for tomorrow. I chose a dress and some sandals. With this blazing summer sun, the last thing you wanted was to be caught in was warm clothes. I finished my ironing and packed my clothes away into a corner in my closet that no one would see. I scrambled into my sheets and I went to bed with a fast beating heart that night.


Morning came faster than I expected. I woke up at 6am and did my normal morning house chores. By 7:45 I was in my church clothes. Leaving the house was not hard since everyone was still asleep. Church started at 8 and I wanted to be on time. Making sure the squeaky door made as little of a noise as possible I tiptoed out and closed the door as quietly as possible.

As with every other time I've gone to church I was greeted with smiles everywhere. Now with Jesus in my heart I knew exactly how they did it. I had unexplainable joy and peace as well and it had been the most refreshing thing.

I saw Abigail and we had a quick talk right before church started. She was more than delighted to see me. Our conversation showed that she hadn't seen me that night. She was slowly becoming my friend and I didn't know how to deal with such. One day she would want to see my house or meet my parents. How would I deal with that?

My thoughts got cut off by realisation that the service was almost starting. I made my way into the building. As much as I love what each service holds, I couldn't wait for the Holy Spirit session. I was literally counting down minutes to the event. Right then I felt like I belonged, like I was home. I could feel God working in me and to be honest, I could never exchange that for anything in this world.


It was finally time. A bunch of us, about twelve of us, were in the room ready to receive the Holy Spirit. I thought there was a strict manual to this and I was surprised when the pastor said "Just pray, we will lay hands on you, don't hold back, just talk."

We all started praying at the same time. I kept listening in to see if I would hear myself say anything I don't understand but nothing.

That's when someone layed hands on me. I can't explain it but I felt power overshadow me and I started speaking in a different language. Not that I took note because I was in a different zone right now. I felt it all at once. Love, power, happiness, joy and readiness. Most of it is hard to explain unless I'm saying to someone who has experienced it. God showed me things and I knew I had to trust him.


Church took longer than I expected. It was almost 3pm and I was heading home now.  Now I was sure there was no way my parents hadn't noticed I'm not around.  I got carried away and spent hours praying I  hadn't thought of home for one bit. Maybe I should have but I was strangely not scared.

I approached the house. When I opened the door flying arms embraced me. Lucy had tears in her eyes and my heart dropped. She wiped away a tear.

"Where were you. We were worried sick about you." She cried.

"Ohhhh. I went to the park. I'm so sorry for worrying you." I said wiping away her tears. "Where is mom and dad?" I asked.

"At the police station." Was her heart shattering reply.

"P-p-police?" I stammered. "What are they doing there?" I asked her in shock.

Lucy's eyes saddened and we both knew this wouldn't end well for me.

" Reporting you missing. " she said but the quiver in her voice told me that I was in trouble and I wouldn't get off that easily.




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