Chapter 1 Land of Ooo

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Yeah I know I haven't updated this I just have been busy so yeah on with the story. Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Finn's POV

It's another nice day in the Land of Ooo. I wake up and see Jake isn't in his bed. I go down to the kitchen and I see Jake making breakfast.  "Mornin' Jake!"

"Oh, morning Finn. I made some bacon pancakes for breakfast," he repiled.

"Oh sweet, thanks."

After we finished our breakfast, I went upstairs and changed my clothes. When I came down Jake and I headed out to visit PB in the Candy Kingdom. We saw PB working in her lab(like always).

"Hey PB" Jake and I say.

"Hi Finn and Jake. Im working on this elixer that can change the color of the candy people."

"That seems cool PB" Jake says in a cheerful tone.

"Aww thanks puppy. Oh Finn the Ice King has been stealing candy people. Can you..."

I interrupted "No prob Bob.(A\N I love saying that) Jake and I will beat the Ice King's nasty hamms."


At the Ice Kingdom


"Finn and Jake, my buds, come in,"  he says more cheerfully than needed.

We walk inside and we see Pepppermint Butler, Cinnamon Bun and a bunch more candy people in the Ice King's castle.

"Hey guys were having a party!" the Ice King says.

"Dude this isn't a party; you just captured the candy people," Jake responded.

"Oh man, you caught me. I gathered all of them here so we can all meet Fionna and Cake. I made a portal that leads to them. I'm so excited!"

"You know that is all nessed up right. You can meet them yourself without the candy people going with you."

"Well Finn, I didn't want to be lonely since I don't know anyone from there."

"You have a sick mind Ice King." Jake says," Finn and I should check out this 'portal.'"

Jake and I walked up to this weird shaped thing with a lever. I pull the lever down and this sparkly purple and black portal opens. We step into the portal then everything went dark.

A/N Yay finished chapter 1! I'm sry if  this fan fiction sucks it's my first one. Ill have the next chapter up when ever. So yeah until next time.

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