Chapter 1

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Naruto's POV
Kakashi sensei finally showed up.  "Today we are introducing ourselves and telling each other about us and tomorrow you have your first  mission. Tell us your name, likes, dislikes, and dream." Sensei told us. (Since the personalities are just a little different, they are going to introduce themselves a little different. Sasuke is mostly the same as he is in the anime but Sakura is more brave about her feelings.)

"Ok sensei you go first so we know how to do it," Sakura says. "Ok my name is Kakashi Hatake. I have many likes and many dislikes. I've never thought about my dream so I don't have one." Kakashi sensei says. "Ok now you go," Kakashi sensei says pointing to Sakura. "My name is Sakura Haruno. I like Sasuke. I dislike Naruto and everyone else that tries to act like my Sasuke-kun. And my dream is about Sasuke but I'm not telling you." Sakura said in her stupidly annoying voice. "Ok you go next," Kakashi said pointing to Sasuke. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha and I only like a few things and one person. I dislike many things like Sakura and all my fangirls. My dream is going to be reality. I am going to kill a certain someone and somehow restore my clan." Sasuke said in his monotone voice. "Ok so Naruto is next," Kakashi said. "Wait how do you know Naruto's name but not Sasuke-kuns!" Sakura yells. "Because I simply know Naruto," Kakashi said. "Whatever just shut up stupid banshee." I said. "My name is Naruto Uzimaki. I like a lot of things and two people. One of the people I have a crush on and I haven't seen him since I was 5. I also dislike many things like Sakura and all my stupid fangirls. I don't know why they fangirl over me because they all know I'm gay. My dream is to be hokage," I continued. By the end they were all looking at me shocked. "You didn't have to get personal if you didn't want to, Naruto." Kakashi says looking from me to the others. "I would actually like everyone to know I'm gay so the stupid girls would leave me alone." I replied in my monotone voice. "We are having a test tomorrow so go get sleep and don't eat breakfast." Kakashi says changing the subject.

"WHAT!! NO BREAKFAST!" Sakura yells. "Calm the fuck down stupid banshee. All you have to do is eat food before you go to bed. Plus I never eat breakfast so it's not a big deal." I said seriously. "Now we know who's going to slow the team down." Sakura says looking at me. "Yea you," me and Sasuke said in union. "But Sasuke-kun. You know he is going to slow us down for not eating and he probably don't eat because he ain't got parents to feed him." Sakura said while whining. "Stop calling me that and you don't need parents to feed you. You really are stupid and stuck up. You probably get your parents to do everything for you," Sasuke says defending me. "Sasuke is right but anyways y'all are dismissed," Kakashi said before disappearing.

"Bye Naruto," Sasuke says before walking away and leaving me surprised. "Bye," I say before I disappear to my room.

Did Sasuke really just talk to me. I thought he hated me. Am I the one person he likes? No I'm not, he hates me, right? He's confusing. I wish I could leave the village to see Gaara. I really miss him even though I've only talked to him once, I really do like him. I wonder what he looks like now. He's probably even cuter now. Ever since that day 5 years ago no one's tried to hurt me. Some people give me mean looks but that's all. If I wouldn't have ran to the sand village I would be dead. If Gaara wouldn't have saved me I would be dead. Kakashi probably would be the only one at my funeral and all the villagers probably would've had a celebration. They would probably dance on my grave. I need food. I'll just go eat some ramen.

When I was done eating I went to bed. The next day I was the first one at our meeting spot. Five minutes later Sasuke shows up. "Hey Naruto," he says. "Hey Sasuke," I replied. "So the banshee's not with you?" I ask. "No. I made sure I left before she got to my house. She's so damn annoying," he replied. "That's why I don't like her. She's such a little bitch. She thinks I wanna be like you but I can't help it. I can't control my unhappiness. Even when I want to be happy I can't. The only person that can make me smile or be happy don't even live in our village. Plus I haven't seen him in five years tomorrow." I said in a monotone voice while sitting down. "Who is he? The person that makes you happy. And what village does he live in?" Sasuke asked with worry in his voice. "He lives in the hidden sand village but that's all I'm telling you because you might know him." I say without thinking. "I don't know anyone from the sand village so who is it?" Sasuke asked curiosity obvious in his voice. Right before I was going to tell him Sakura comes running to Sasuke. "Sasuke-kun! There you are. Why did you leave me? I felt so lonely walking by myself. " she says latching onto Sasuke's arm.

"Get the fuck off me." Sasuke says while pushing her off him. "Just leave me alone. I'm in the middle of an important conversation," Sasuke said surprising me and Sakura both. "B-but Sasuke-kun!" Sakura exclaimed with tears rolling down her face. "I said stop calling me that. I don't like you and I never will. Leave me alone when I'm talking to Naruto," Sasuke says in his harsh voice while glaring at her. Just then Kakashi sensei shows up. "Yo." He says while what I assume to be smiling with his one eye.

"What are we doing today sensei," I say in a monotone voice while standing. "Y'all are going to take a test and I'm positive at least one of you will know what to do. That ninja will have to tell the other two what it is. If y'all fail y'all will go back to the academy. And I may warn you no one has passed this test out of all my past students, everyone has failed so good luck." Kakashi sensei says in a serious tone. "So what's the test about?" Sakura asks wiping the rest of her tears away. "All you have to do is get the bells," Kakashi replies holding up two bells . "There's only two bells, therefore the ninja that don't get a bell won't eat lunch and will be tied to a post until the other ninja or ninjas are done eating." Kakashi continues. "Everyone get where you need to be." He demands. "Hai." We all three day while scattering.

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