=Chapter 1: Unknown Identity=

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-Flash Back-

"I see" I listen to a gossip while Smiling with my Friends and Classmates

we sat Near the right side of the room and as my Friends and Classmates
Keep taking, Something caught my Attention

A Boy Alone and Reading while he is looking at the Sun Flower,
I Kept looking at him and notice how he is smiling
over just to a single Sunflower.

"U-um..." I looked back to my Classmate and Friends Attention

"Hmmm? Mae what's wrong?" As one of them respond.

"O-oh Um I am going to the Restroom for a bit ok?" As I said with a Slight

She nodded and I walked outside to where the Boy's Location.
I slowly go Near Him and Asked "Hey what are you doing?"

He looked back and responded "Looking at this little pretty Sunflower while
reading about Flowers"

I looked at the Flower as well and looked at him and asked
"why is it little?"

He respond "I don't know" and he return his eyes to the little Sunflower.

I also Looked backed at the Sunflower "It's pretty, Do you like Sunflowers?"
I looked at him again with a smile on my cheek.

"Yes, There my favorite Kind of flower's" as He responded also with a smile
While still Looking at me and the Sunflower, I Sat down beside him and looked
at his face while he returns on looking to the Sunflower.

"Um... what is your name? I am Mae" As I curiously looked at him, He
looked back at me and smiled

"me? I am..."


-Flash Back End-

=Mae's Pov=


A loud ringing sound resonates outside of the school premises,
as the morning classes ended.

I finished my Assignments and some Reviewers and Looked at my side where Tashino was sitting,
But I notice it was Aose, Fixing his table and packing his books to his bag.

"......" I Kept looking at his face and hair and I kept thinking to myself,
That It is Tashino. At This Point I don't know what to call him.
He really looks like Tashino

My mind kept drifting into space or an empty assumptions, then I felt
a thing behind my neck which startled me.

"Ah!" I Jumped and looked back at Kibo
"Oi I need to talk to you Mae can you follow me?" as Kibo say with a serious Expression

I looked at him and I nodded I carry my bag with me as I follow Kibo
I looked back at Aose as I slowly leave, some Students go towards
Aose to either just greet and asked questions about him.

I return my eyes at Kibo and follow hastily to Kibo on the Hallway
and I asked "Where we going?"

"Somewhere Private" as a response, by the time we walk every step
I know what we will be talking about or even
what will he bring out on the topic.

We arrived at the empty classroom of the 3rd Floor,
It's 'our' secret spot as in me and Tashino
But I told Kibo about this Secret Spot Long time ago

Kibo sits on the Teachers desk and puts down his bag on
the floor near the Teachers desk "That's..... Got to be Tashino. Right?"
He hesitantly claim.

"Yeah? Maybe? I don't know?" to my mind I am also confused and
hesitant to even say I also Kept thinking about it if he is or he isn't Tashino

"He might be a look alike" I followed up.

"No it's impossible, Tashino's Face is 'Rare' it can't be just a look alike"
Kibo crosses his arms.

"True but it can be a possibility right?" I sighed

"Well.... Yeah.... But let's....." He stopped and sighed.

I looked away to the window at a
nice view outside

"Let's just be sure about it... Mae" I looked back and he looked sad
yet pale at the same time

I nodded and hugged him and I whisper "I know... How you feel...."

I let go of the hugged and looked at him "Let's eat I am hungry plus
it's lunch time" I smiled and hold my stomach.

I changed the topic so we won't think about it for now at least.

He nodded and we eat our packed lunches.

Time has passed, we enjoy eating our lunches near the end row of the seats,
He keeps talking about his Mother's burger that it is the best. While I stick to my
own made Vegetable salad

we fixed our lunch box and our bags and I looked at the vase with the
little Sunflower on the Teacher's desk.

Kibo looked and chuckles "This old vase is still here and Tashino's Flower"

"Yeah I am surprised it haven't withered or die" This flower really hasn't
died at all it must be Tashino's care for this little Sunflower or that Tashino
Keep replacing the Sunflower to an Identical one.

I startled as Kibo flicked my neck by surprised and I looked at him with a angry face
"Aw!? What you do that for."

"Oh nothing come on we are late for our club" He laugh teasingly.

"Yeah yeah Mister Captain. Hmph!" I sarcastically say while I brush my
hair and grabbed my bag that is near me.

"Aw...~ when you became sassy or a Tsundere~" He Still continue to tease and laugh
while he walked to where his bag was located.

I looked at him "Hmph! I ain't a cliché character from some anime you know!"
I laugh and chuckled a bit.

"Yeah yeah~" Sarcastically respond as he wave one of his hand up

As he walk he tripped to one of the foot of the chairs and
he hit his head on the Teacher's table.

I looked at him as I heard a glass like object broke
and I run towards him to help him while checking if he is

"Oi Kibo are you alright!?" I lend a hand and I got
pretty worried

"Yeah I am alright..." Kibo responded while rubbing
his head

He grabbed my hand and he looked at the vase
"Oh no..."

I looked at where he was looking "D-Don't worry we can
fix it with glue or paste right?" with a panicking tone of a voice

"Yeah we can but it won't be as the same" He looked at me I started
to make a sad expression.

"I-I mean Yeah! We can!" As Kibo salutes and changed his answer

I slowly go to the broken vase and I grabbed my handkerchief to pick up the
pieces without getting hurt, Kibo helped me and also uses his own handkerchief
to pick it up and pile it to mine.

"O-ok we should... find the glue..." In a sad yet worried state.

He patted my head and said "Calm down Mae it's going to be alright right trust me"
as He smile brightly

I know your cheering me up but easy for you to think or even say about it
this is Tashino's vase I need to fix it or we.

I wrapped the broken vase with the handkerchief and put it in my bag on top of the
books that I am carrying as careful as I can.

"What about the flower?" as Kibo asked and mention while he grabbed it

"Can you hold it for now Kibo? Don't let it stolen or plucked or even eaten
or... or... or!" as I started to panic since this school has a nag for stuffs
such as flowers or anything new, they get stolen last year or turn into lost items.

"Relax there is no one going to steal it, we already
caught that student Remember?" as he slowly goes to the door

"Y-Yeah, wait how did you know that I was thinking about that"
I responded in such shock.

"Because MAGIC!" while he is doing a silly gesture.

"Very funny Kibo" I looked at him while slowly clapping.

"Hahaha sorry sorry, But I know because one of your stuff has
been stolen one-time" He opens the door and does a bow like how
butlers do. "Ladies first~"

"Why thank you Mah Gentilman~" with a mix of full sarcasm.

But Kibo is right on what he said that one of my stuff getting stolen,
But it's not just one its 'some' where stolen and those are both my
personal stuff and my stuff that I use in school including my folders
and USB drives.

After they caught the person though the stuffs where return to the
original owner.

We eventually walkout of the secret spot while carrying our bag'

"Hmmm.... About the transfer student" He looked to the hall with a serious tone.

"Aose...." Or Tashino? or look alike Tashino? I don't even know what to call
him at this point.

"What about him?" I tilt my head and look at Kibo

"Why..." He started to mumble and He spoke to me "Why he
Transfer on the middle of the semester and to top if off, at this

"Yeah" in my head that's the only word I can respond a single
'Yeah', I think there are a lot of possibilities or even assumptions that I can come up
or even the reasons why.

But even so we don't know what is the truth I slowly thinked more,
why he Transfer in the middle of the semester? Why this school out of all?
I mean this school isn't a great school by all means due to its reputation
and the education is also great just the environment so why?

"Maybe... His old school has a terrible environment or maybe he wanted to move or maybe
the abuse of either teachers or students and last maybe his grade is high but the school could not
keep up with him or maybe he is alive and well or..." I kept think assumption that this is not Tashino
that this is Aose, But I know these are assumptions not the truth

But why does it feel like he is Tashino, Why ...

"Maybe... But why here? And why not in the other schools? And is this really Tashino or...." He kept thinking
and we slowly stopped talking and our mood felt heavy for that duration of time.

In our only mind is....

Who is he?

Why does he look like Tashino?

Is he even the real Tashino?

Why this school?

"If only I know the Truth.... " I mumble to myself in anger and sadness.

=End Chapter 1=

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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