Chapter 6

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Beware of the priestess, Kikyo.......

(Sesshomaru's pov)

When the sun came up, I went outside to get Kagome and the rest some food. When I got home I had fish, vegetables, and some meat. 'hm' Kagome started waking up. "Did I wake you?" I asked. "No, what's all this?" Kagome looked at the food I got.

Kagome got up and started to make us breakfast, but I stopped her and said "why don't you lay back down and let me do this for you." Kagome looked at me and smiled the beautiful smile. I couldn't help but to lean over and feel my lips touch hers. we pull away. Kagome stared to blush and Sesshomaru smiled. Jaken and Rin started waking up. Kagome went back to cooking and I watched until we kept hearing the same thing." Good morning Lady Kikyo." Kagome went outside to look.

(Kagome's pov)

Sesshomaru and I heard Kikyo's name being repeated. I went outside to see if she was really out here. I saw Kikyo and when she spotted me she pointed an arrow at me and shot it. Before it hit me I heard the arrow hit the floor. Sesshomaru was in front of me. He looked back and asked if I was alright I nodded my head. Sesshomaru then told me to get inside. so I did.

(Sesshomaru's pov)

" Sesshomaru what are you doing here with her?" Kikyo asked rudely. I looked at her and said nothing. "This is not you Sesshomaru, You are traveling with an imp and to human girls. "You must leave. You have no right to question me." After that Sesshomaru turned and headed back inside.

I went to check on Kagome and made sure was alright. "She's gone." I said. She looked at me and smiled.

After a a few villagers ran up to the hut we were in, "Lord Sesshomaru, Lady Kagome, we have demons in the area please help us." Sesshomaru and Kagome looked at each other and smiled. "Rin, Jaken stay here." I said. "Yes milord" Rin smiled. Kagome and I went. The demon we saw was destroying every house and came towards ours.

Kagome shot one of the Sacred arrows and I used Bakusiga. We lost track because there was more than one here. When we weren't paying too much attention, the demon that hit the hut that Rin and Jaken were in. "Rin!" Kagome cried. She ran toward the hut and searched for Rin.

(Kagome's pov)

" K-Kagome?" "Rin, Rin, where are you?" I kept searching while Sesshomaru was still fighting. I looked everywhere but I heard someone who sounded familiar.

"Haha, Kagome long time no see." It was Naraku. But why didn't I sense his presents.

"Naraku why are you here!?" "I came to tell you that they are dead." I looked at him and shot one of my sacred arrows at Naraku. But he had a barrier around him but it wasn't just any barrier. What ever you shoot at it, it will fire back your attack.

Sesshomaru quickly finished the last demon and got me out of the way before I was hit. but the time he got me the arrow cut me a little. "Kagome your arm." "don't worry about me, we still need to find Rin and Jaken." so we started looking and finally found them.

We walked to a safe distance. I got out my medicine box and bandaged Rin and Jaken. I went to do Sesshomaru but I noticed he was already healed because he was all demon.

Sorry for a somewhat short chapter but all well. I do not own any of the Inuyasha characters in InuYasha. Thank you and see ya next chapter.

Kikyo: KAGOME! I will find you and kill you!

Kagome:Why I left so you guys can be together and I won't be in the way.

Kikyo: Whatever. But Inuyasha wants you back. so I will kill you and he won't have to worry any more.

Sesshomaru: -_-*Growls*

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