Chapter 20

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I'm so sorry for not having a full chapter. For some reason I guess it didn't send all the way. Well not all of the chapter . Poo. And it was cute too. That sucks. :'( well I'll try to do what I can with this chapter so enjoy!!!!!!!
(Kagome's pov)

After we got done talking, we walked back to the house hand in hand. Rin ran out with her stomach growling. "Hahaha, looks like someone is hungry." I said. "I'll start cooking."I went inside and some meat and vegetables.

Sesshomaru came in and walked behind me.


(Sesshomaru's pov)

I walked behind Kagome and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. "Sesshomaru, I'm cooking." She giggled. "I know, I just love you too much." I gently smiled.

When she got done cooking, Kagome called for Rin. "Rin, it's time to eat."

"Coming." Soon Rin came running down the stairs with Jaken. Jaken was in a pink kimono I got for Rin, and a pink bow. "Look I dressed up master Jaken." Rin giggled. Kagome flattened her ears, swinging her tail trying not to laugh. "Don't laugh at me you stupid wretch." I quickly looked at Jaken coldly when he said that. Jaken quickly backed up. "F-forgive me m'lord." I went on and walked over to Kagome and Rin. We all began to eat. "Wow Kagome, this is amazing!" Rin exclaimed. Kagome did a closed eyed smile. "Its nothing."

After we finished, Rin got ready for bed and Kagome and I did dishes. "Sesshomaru can you check on Rin for me?" I smiled and pulled gently on Kagome's dog ears. "ow! You know they are attached right." Kagome yelped. "I know." I laughed. I walked up stairs and knocked on a wall, "Can I come in." I smiled. "Lord Sesshomaru, I can't sleep." Rin said laying in her bed. "Can you tell me a story?" She asked using her puppy eyes. 'I'm sure she got those puppy eyes from Kagome.' I sighed and sat next to her bed and started making up a random fairy tale. "Well um...... Once upon a time, there was a princess who lived in a castle with her stepmother. And her stepmother was a real princess, but she was turned into an old witch. So, the princess went for a walk on Candy Road, where there were lollipops and every kind of candy. She could just pick them up from the ground, and then came new ones.The next road was Kissing Street…." Soon enough Rin fell asleep to my silly fairy tale.

I carefully got up and walked out of her room and walked to mine and Kagome's room. Kagome was already in bed under covers. I walked over and got dressed into other clothes for the night. I was in a white tank top and sweats. I got into bed with Kagome and wrapped my arms around her wast and fell asleep.

(Kagome's pov)

~Very early next day~

I woke up with Someone shaking me. "Lady Kagome. Someone is here to see you." I looked at Rin then out the window to see that it was around 2am. I sighed and looked at Sesshomaru to make sure he was still asleep. I got up and went downstairs to see Inuyasha. "I thought I smelled something funny.And you have ears and a tail?!" I looked at him, "What do you want?"

"I wanted to make sure you were still safe and alive. Beacause Kikyo leaves at night sometimes and I don't know why most of the time. " Inuyasha explained. I nodded my head so he knew I understood. I let him come in and he sat on one ot the chairs. "Do you know where she is now?" I asked yawning. Inuyasha shook his head, "Yes, she is at one of the villages we passed by."

After awhile of talking, Sesshomaru woke up and came down to see who I was talking to. "Kagome, why is he here?" I looked at Sesshomaru and gave him an answer, "He is here to make sure I wasn't killed by Kikyo." Sesshomaru nodded and went upstairs to Rin's room to see if she was still slepping or not.

Inuyasha and I went back to talking. "Also Kohaku is trying to side with Kikyo because he has one of the last remaining shards."

"How is Sango taking that?" I asked worried. "Not well. She doesn't like the idea of being around her."

"I don't blame her." I said rudely. "Well, thats all I can tell you for now. I don't want Kikyo looking for me to find you. I'm sure Sesshomaru would literally kill me if you got hurt or worse killed." Inuyasha said with his ears flatning. I lowered mine not know fully how he feels. Inuyasha stood and I did as well, and we did a friendly hug and he left.

"Kagome, I think you should go back to bed. You need your full rest." Sesshomaru said. My ears flattened and he carried me upstairs to our room and he laid me down and I passed out.

(Sesshomaru's pov)

As I laid Kagome she fell asleep, I laid on the other said of her and gently stroked her cheeks. I smiled and again wrapped my arms around her then I fell asleep.

~Later that morning~

It was around the normal time Kagome and I usually wake up. I woke up to see Rin sleeping on me. I smiled and gently shook her awake. "Come on Rin time wake up."

"Mhmm." Rin said slowly waking up. After we both got up, Rin and I went downstairs. We sat at the table and Kagome was already done with cooking. " You guys hungry?" Kagome giggled. Rin ran to the table and sat down. "This looks great."

(Rin's pov)

As I was eating, It felt like Sesshomaru and Kagome were like, like my parents. I remember having my parents before they were attacked. I don't know if I should ask if I could call them mom and dad. After all Lord Sesshomaru and Lady Kagome are married and I over heard how she wanted Kids of her own. I pushed that to the side and went back to eating. Lady Kagome and Lord Sesshomaru looked at me smiling. I couldn't help but smile back.

Well that was my Chapter 20. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll try to update asap. Thanx for reading this chapter. Please leave comments and vote. Please tell me if I need to improve a few things. Thanx again for reading. Mkay.....BYEEEEEE!!!!!!!

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