Why I STILL think The Hate For Kale and Caulifla Actually is Dumb

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A/N: After some of the time had passed, I think a little bit of update to this page is perhaps needed.

(Hence the change of the title there).

Now, as I've said before, I'm not one to shit on people's opinions. It's their own perspective on what they think. Certain said opinions can be questioned from time to time whenever you begin to notice something.

I'm not saying their opinions are dumb. I just think that some of the reasons (Mainly on how they transform or about kale's form) people hate these two, the lies people spread because they hate these two, or any of things that don't work. And yes, I'm basically going in an unwinnable fight. But after doing much further looking around, I've seen how most of the stuff people say about the two female saiyans still seems asinine to me. And if i'm going to any more honest, I think this is that rare occasion where the character is getting hate for some of the dumbest reasons.

(And I still think this).

To start it's of course with the whole thing on how they gained their transformations so easily.

I know that their hates are based on their opinions. But this is that rare occasion where the character is getting hate for some of the dumbest reasons.

To start it's of course with the whole thing on how they gained their transformations so easily.

Now Originally, I did a comparison of how the two got the transformation with how kid trunks and goten got them easily as well as how kid goku learned the kamehameha from just observing

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Now Originally, I did a comparison of how the two got the transformation with how kid trunks and goten got them easily as well as how kid goku learned the kamehameha from just observing. But, I'll do something different and go by about them and their alternative saiyan species.

What I think people seem to miss is that fact that the history and current biology of the Universe 6 Saiyans are much different from what the Universe 7 saiyans had.

Granted, it should have been put into more depth for people to see. But, the fact that they say that Saiyans of that universe evolved past the usage of tails and that they fight evil every single day should have come as a clue for people on how different these saiyans were from their U7 counterparts.

For the history, the U6 saiyans didn't go into conflict with each other and didn't result in them having to leave their home. They continued to live on Sadala and would be hired to fight villains every day. And during all that time, they've never been oppressed by an evil ruler, meaning the race itself got stronger over a long period of time throughout their battles with villains without being kept in place by someone.

(A video from Revolushane to give further details).

Now granted, I DO think that Caulifla got SSJ2 too fast and personally think she should have gotten it around the time of the tournament much like cabba. But, I digress.

And for the S-Cells: I'm not gonna go over that whole thing again. Hardly much is even changed from how goku, vegeta and other saiyans got super saiyan and it hardly could be considered a retcon. I'm just going to take the stuff from one of my other previous edited pages and show you.

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