Chapter 1 - Live The Normal Life

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Jody's House

Sioux Falls South Dakota

Amber's Pov

4 month's later...

"Amber! Hurry up or you'll be late again!" Jody yelled from the other side of the door to my room. I was laying in bed, not wanting to go to school once again after what felt like a too short weekend.

I have been living with Jody for four months. After Sam and Dean left I felt numb, I believed that they would come back for me. Even though they had told me from the start that this was the plan. In the couple of weeks, I lived with them, I came to really care about them. Because they cared about me. Or at least I thought they did. But even after what we went through together they didn't change their minds. I was still sent here. But after three months or so I gave up. Stopped believing that they would come back.

But I mean it's not bad. The first couple of months was hard. I became jumpy again and I would flinch at a hand being raise or if I was touched. I knew they wouldn't hurt me, but I was scared because it was all new. I didn't know them, I didn't know the town or the school. Only somethings have changed. I mean I don't flinch anymore or jump at the slightest of movement but I still wish I could go back. I'm still feeling down most of the time. It's not bad if I have to be here, but where I really want to be is with Sam and Dean. They gave me a place to call home. The first people to show any sort of kindness or empathy for me for a long time and I still don't know why. But I'm thankful that there are still people like them that exist.

After the second yell from Jody knocking me out of my thoughts, I got out of bed. I walked over to my closet and chose a simple black top with a black and red flannel and some jeans to wear. When I was done with that I walked out of my room and out to the kitchen to see Jody working on scrambled eggs. She was in her sheriff uniform and Alex in her nurse uniform. Alex was adopted by Jody a lot like me. When she was  8 she was apparently kidnapped by vampires and was used as their pet. That was of course until Sam, Dean, and Jody saved her a few years back. Now she lives here and works at the hospital in town.

"Morning," I said my throat still dry after sleeping. I sat down at the table.

"Glad to see you decided to join the world today," Jody said as she filled a plate with scrambled eggs and placed it in front of me.

"Thanks, and sorry I just couldn't really sleep last night," I said as I started to eat the eggs.

"Everything okay?" Jody asked with her mom face on, looking a little worried.

"Uhm, I'm sure it's nothing really." I lied as I finished my plate and placed it in the sink. I had had a nightmare. They never stopped, not even at the Winchesters, but Dean or Sam would always be there whenever I had one. And knowing that they would come, helped calm the nightmare's down, but now at Jody's they are back.

"Well, I was late wasn't I, so I'll see you after school," I said as I grabbed my backpack and walked to towards the door. 

"Hey, wait let me give you a ride," Jody said as she caught up with me. We walked out to the garage. We got into her car and she drove me to school.


When we finally arrived at school I was running late. I said a quick goodbye to Jody and ran to the school. I ran towards my class when suddenly I bumped into someone. Reminding me of something that happened about 5 months ago...


I run without paying attention to anything around me. I look at my phone while I run to check the time, and suddenly I bump into something and I fall to the ground, dropping my phone. I place a hand on my forehead as I look up to see what I ran into. It's some guy.

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