Chapter 7

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Previously on Chapter 6

'I wonder if she felt the same way...' I thought as I stare at her. She's eating her onigiri with her hair down, but I can see the slight tint of pink on her cheeks. 'She's really cute...' I smile to myself as I take another bite of the onigiri she shared.

I hope she feels the same way

-Hanging Out With Toshirou-


There's no class today, so I got nothing to do. I have finished my homework since yesterday, so I can have a free time today. But now that I've the free time, I feel kinda bored.

I just sit in my living room, as I play some tune in my guitar. I sing quietly to the song. I never sing in front of other people, I'm scared they would make fun of me.

I stop playing when I heard someone knocking on the door. 'Who could that be?' I thought to myself. I place the guitar down, then I get up and make my way to the front door.

I open the door. "Oh! Captain... What brings you here?" I said. He blush and looks away. "I still need to protect you, remember?" He said. I sigh. "You don't really have to protect me, you know? I can fight just fine..." I said. "A mission is a Mission..." He said, crossing his arms.

Toshirou P.O.V

I lied... I came here not to protect her. Well... That too. But the real reason I'm here, is because I want to spend some time with her.

She moved aside to let me in. I uncross my arm and enter. I followed her as she walks towards the living room. "Have a seat, Captain..." She said, smiling at me. She calls me captain. That is how I want people to call me. But I want her to call me by my first name. Not my title. When she calls me that, I told her to call me captain... But now... I kinda wish she would stick to call me by my first name. Gosh... I'm such an air head.

"Hello?" she said waving her hand in front of my face. I didn't realise I'm zoning out. I snap out of it and look at her. "You okay?" She said, I can hear the worry in her tone. I blush as I clears my throat. "Yeah... I'm okay..." I said as I look away from her. "Okay... If you say so" she said.

She smiles at me. "So... Do you want something to drink? Or eat?" She said. Gosh... Why do you have to be so pretty. "Captain!!" She yells when I didn't respond her, which makes me jump in fright.  "Huh? Um... Something to drink would be nice..." I said. She giggles "what's going on in that little mind of yours..." She said, as she turn around and walks away, leaving me in my spot... Being a blushing mess.

She comes back not long after she left, with a tray in her hands. She place a glass in front of me. "I don't know if you drink a juice in Soul Society... But I hope you'll like it..." She said, still smiling at me. I blush and pick the glass up. Then I take a sip. My eyes widened at the flavour. "What is this?" I said. "A watermelon juice... Do you like it?" She said. "Watermelon? It's my favourite!" I said, excited. She blinks her eyes at me. I blush and clears my throat. "I like it..." I said, changing back to my tone. She giggles at me. I just take another sip from the glass, to hide my blush.


Toshirou is being so cute. To be honest... I like calling him by his first name. But I don't want to make him mad. He did always said that all I could call him is Captain. So I just do what he said.

To be honest... I've been growing feelings for him. But I didn't dare to say anything about it to him. I don't know if he'd return my feelings. I don't want to mess it up and makes things awkward for us. So I just stay silent.

I place the tray down. Then I take a seat in front of him. "I'm glad you enjoyed the juice, captain..." I said. He smiles at me. I rarely see him smile. He usually act like a cold captain. So seeing his smile, makes my heart flutter and I can feel my cheeks warming up.

He gets up and offers his hand to me. I look up at him confused. "Let's go for a walk..." He said with a small smile on his face. "Um... Sure..." I said, placing my hand on his. He pulls me up to my feet. Then we walk out of the house. I lock the door and we start walking around the town.

I look down at our entwined hand as we walk. I smile softly and look forward. I give his hand a light squeeze, then I feel him squeeze back. His small gesture makes me smile. Maybe... He did have feelings for me as well. But is it okay? For someone like me to be with him?


We stop at a small cafe. He opens the door for me to enter. I give him a smile as I enter, with him following after me.

We take a seat by the window, a perfect spot to observe our surrounding. Toshirou walks to the counter to order something for us, he told me to stay on my seat. Not long after that he comes back, holding a pastry with him.

We eat the delicacy in silent. It's not awkward. It's actually really comfortable. I blush when I feel a hand resting on top of mine. I look up to see Toshirou is eating his pastry, not looking at me. But I can see the blush in his cheeks. I just smile and continue to eat my pastry.

Today is a really nice day. I get to spend some time with the guy I have feelings for. I really wish he did have feelings for me. I wish this is not just a smile hang out or a one time thing. That's when I realise what I actually felt for the boy in front of me.

Toshirou... I love you

*to be continued*

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