Chapter 30: The New Gift Part 1

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Halloween Nightmare's POV

Today was another pointless birthday for me and Physico. But, it was Halloween... and recently I've been having nightmares of my past and dreams that seemed unreal as if I was literally there. I would remember when in the past I came back to visit my family once 'can't remember fully' but, I remember all the worst parts. I remember once I was doing something... then my mom scolded me. 'I was around five or six that time around' I remembered how they would talk about me being evil or something and started pointlessly skipping in a circle and chanted random not real words.That time my mom got really scared and called my great grandma asking for help. Many other countless times while growing up my siblings would call me 'evil' or say 'maybe you are a demon.' Another time I was really angry at my dad for borrowing and never returning money to me so when he asked for money one time I refused him and we had a fight. Later he slapped me in the face saying "Your screaming so much I had to slap the demon out of you!"

That was the first time my dad hit me and I hated it. I never forgot that moment not even till this very day. That's when I decided I wanted to become a Creepypasta with Samurai-Ninja and left home for good. I was really glad to have the life I'm now living with my friends and close ones around me. I got off my bed and picked up BRVR who had been watching me the whole time. "Happy birthday master!" A speech box popped up from BRVR. I smiled and squeezed him tightly as I walked into Samurai-Ninja's room while screaming "Happy Birthday!!!" I belly flopped on her bed with BRVR on my shoulder. Later that day I had huge headaches and my vision would become blurry with a green glow

"What a horrible day for getting sick." I mumbled while laying back into bed with BRVR cuddled by my feet. "I'm going to just take a nap... tell the others Kay?" I ordered to BRVR. He understood and walked out the door. I slept soundly that is until I got a dream. (Start of dream.) It was dark and I could see no light around me just pitch black I couldn't tell if I was standing, sitting or even trapped in a box! I was alone in the darkness just listening for something. "This Hallow's Eve a power you have deep inside your shaded red soul will awaken." 'A voice appeared!' "W-who are you.." I said loudly "I'm the reason you exist in this realm..." Said the deep voice. "I am in your every dream and nightmare, I am the whole reason you are you, and now your true potential has finally awoken, I am satan." Said the voice.

"So if you are here telling me this than I must..." I responded. "If you understand then leave!" Said the twisted deep voice of Satan. I felt as if I was falling. Looking around all I could see were my memories of suffering and torment surrounding me. The voices of disappointment and Horror were loud in my head. "NOOOOO!!!! Leave me alone! I HATE you!" I screamed while holding my ears shut. I looked down to see that I was falling into a pit of green flames. (Out of dream.) I awoke with a fright to see that all the girls were standing at my bedside. "Is everything okay?" Asked Mind-Keeper. "You were screaming in your dreams loudly." Said Black Deceiver. "Your sweating." Said The Crimson Blade. They all tried to comfort me as I sat up in my bed holding my head. 'Everything was blurry and my head pounded and it seemed I can't say a mouth just won't listen...' "You have to stay in bed!" Said The Crimson Blade. "No birthday killing spree tonight, okay?" Said Mind-Keeper.

BRVR was in the corner looking more worried than anyone. I was suffering pain the whole day. It was already 9:42 pm and BRVR stayed next to me the whole day. 'I wonder what was happening to me... why was I bed written and sitting here in this stuffy room all day' I looked up and the moon was still covered by the clouds. "Your powers will awaken from the eclipse of the blood red moon..." A voice whispered in my ear. I was weak and turned to my side facing the window. 'Blood red moon?' The clouds moved out the way as I saw a lunar eclipse quickly taking over our brightly shimmering moonlight. "A LUNAR ECLIPSE??? Today!!" I muttered weakly. I stood up with whatever energy I had left and used it to lock and barricade my door. "No one needs to see..." I said as I fell to the floor BRVR caught me (On his back.) And set me back onto the bed. "Sorry you have to see this though..." I weakly muttered. "Nonsense! You are my master I will obey and stay by your side till the very end, Because I know you would do the same for me too!" He responded using the text box.

The moon was glistening in blood red color as the light from the red moon shone all over the town I clenched my stomach in pain. "S-s***!" I whispered under my breath. My eyes turned blurry as the only color I could see was green and the room started to shake. I opened my eyes once more as the pain slowly went away and the room stopped shaking (Although the house was a mess.) "I-I'm alright!" I shouted while hugging BRVR. "Master?" He said using the text box to speak once more. "What's wrong buddy?" I asked. "Hey open up!! What's going on dude?!!?!" Said Black Deceiver. While the others came by my door I quickly I unbarricaded the door and unlocked it. "Guys I feel better now!!" I said cheerfully. Everyone looked at me in shock like I was some kind of monster. "What?" I asked persistently. "You are you really Halloween Nightmare?" Was the only thing they said. I quickly shoved them out the way while walking to the bathroom and looked in the mirror."What?? This! It's me!" I screamed in agony once more while destroying the mirror by punching it several times. "I'm a demon!!!" I screamed. While wailing and breaking things like a crazy person.


My master locked herself in the bathroom while destroying everything inside if it. She had taken a new form maybe she too can evolve just like a pokemon... She was still herself,but different in many ways. She had green flames in her eyes as well as sharp teeth, pointy ears and a tail. Not to mention whenever she spoke it was in a different language. She didn't notice all that until after looking in the mirror though. I truly wanted to help my master as of the others who were too afraid to enter the room. So I went to Des's room where she studied her spells. I asked her to make me turn into a human and she granted my wish.

She then handed me a mirror to look at myself. I wore a PIkachu jacket with a black shirt underneath and had black hair. My eyes were golden yellow and I had bruises and blood on my face. Des told me I wore 'black denim skinny jeans' whatever that is and black and white patterned shoes as well. I thanked her and ran towards the room master was destroying to comfort her. "Who is this dude????" Asked the girls. "That is BRVR." Responded Des. The ladies mouths dropped as I waved at them saying "Thank you for caring about my master." Then headed to the door and knocked on it "Master open up this is BRVR, I have obtained a human body to make you stop your angry rampaging." I said proudly. The rampaging behind the door stopped as the door unlocked.

Halloween Nightmare's POV

"You idiot you didn't have to go do that!" I said as BRVR grabbed the door knob. "Master stop being stupid and ruining our home it won't do you any good I know from experience!" Said BRVR as he walked into the destroyed, broken apart room. I covered my face 'so he wouldn't see my tears' and wiped them away. "You're an idiot master, you caused trouble for everyone else as well as me!" Said BRVR who walked towards me and flicked my forehead. "Hey!" I muttered angrily. He then hugged me tightly like we always do and said "don't make me have to knock some sense into you master!" (Although he's always a pokemon when we hug...) I walked out of the bathroom (Or what's left of the bathroom.) And told the others what happened. They accepted it and all gave me a warm group hug while saying "Happy Birthday!! Halloween Nightmare!!" We all cleaned the house together while I asked "Where's Samurai-Ninja?" "She is still in her room." Said The Crimson Blade. "I'm really really eternally sorry guys..." I said. "Don't sweat it at least now we can buy better things for our bathroom." Said Black Deceiver. We all laughed as we finished cleaning the mess.

To Be Continued...

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