Chapter 32: New Changes

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Manipulation's POV

I came all the way from Paris on a cruise ship. (I actually took that money from my dad and made a run for it out the old apartment.) it was luxurious. I heard many rumors of a school for children like me. I smiled as I walked out of the cruise ship carrying my luggage. It was really easy to get whatever I wanted when I just used their weak pitiful emotions. Creepypasta academy for the baddest of the bad spread by rumors and little organizations and curious children, the school allowed human children to turn on their own kind. Just the place I wanted to be. I looked at my reflection as I rode the bus 'This is gonna be fun' I thought as the bus dropped me off at my destination. Slender sent me a letter saying I got accepted and to travel to Creepypasta squad number 5. Too bad normal boring humans can't see this. They would quake in fear if they even saw 1/2 the things we can see. I walked inside the cabin to find a stinky fat oaf in my mansion. "You son of a b****!, DIE!!" I screamed as I grabbed my weapon and attacked. I killed him for good and wasted a perfectly clean weapon on it but why wasn't a soul coming out of him? Was he perhaps one of my team?

He'd just respawn anyway if he was but he didn't. "This place is worse than the boonies in Paris..." I muttered. ' I hated unclean things.' So I cleaned the whole mansion top to bottom also dumped the body in the trash can out front. That 'thing' didn't deserve a grave heck he's lucky I didn't burn him into fine ash and just swept him out of the house. Than I heard loud noises coming from the woods they were heading in this direction.

Disgrace's POV

I was walking home with the guys to check on Tulua. He'd probably starve without us. We walked to the front of our mansion to see Talua's dead body out front in the trash can. "DUDE HES DEAD!" Said Mr. Butter. "Ain't that awesome!" Cried Shapeshift. "But I mean he's DEAD he can't regenerate he was too stupid to even get it!!!" Screamed Mr. Butter. We all looked at the house to find that it looked new and clean. "Who?" Said Killer-Kai. Then we saw a boy that had blond hair. He wore an expensive looking tuxedo and brand name expensive shoes. "Bonjour my name is not important to the likes of you but you will call me Manipulation and I am your new member of squad 5 sent from Paris to here, Ah I see you have met the smelly oaf I killed just minutes ago." He said. "That...never mind thanks for killing him anyway." Said all of us. "Pardon? He was not very difficult to kill did you have problems ma chérie?" Manipulation continued saying. "Well let us go inside I have a casserole in the oven." We all went inside and saw not a single spot was covered in dust or dirt.

Everything wasn't all disgusting anymore. It was exactly like how the girls cleaned up. (The house only got that bad because of Tulua.) "I have to inform Slender about Tulua's unfortunate 'fall off a cliff' okay guys." Said Mr. Butter everyone agreed and when manipulation asked who that was we said just a random dude. After eating in luxury we all left the house to go introduce him to the girls. When he knocked on the door Halloween Nightmare "Bonjour beautiful ma chérie." He said while grabbing her hand and kissed it. Her tail stood straight in surprise. While Killer-Kai's mouth dropped in fact all of ours did. She pulled her hand away and wiped it on her shirt. "Ummm who's the fancy french dude?" She asked. "This is Manipulation he's our new member and I think he can help Samurai-Ninja with the emotion problem said Killer-Kai who was gritting his teeth. The other girls were peering over Halloween Nightmare's shoulder whispering about Manipulation.

Then BRVR ran towards his master with antibiotic sanitizers and tissues "Here master!" He said while cleaning her hand. He hugged her while sticking tongue at manipulation saying "Don't touch my Nuna you creep!" (For people who don't know Nuna is Korean for elder sister but if you were a girl you would say eonni for elder sister) Manipulation walked to the other girls and did the same thing to all of them. And all of them hated it while snatching away their hands."Pass me the sanitizer." They said fighting over it as the boys headed up stairs.

Samurai-Ninja's POV

Manipulation was a new member of the guy's team. He was at our mansion and said he was sort of a giant clean freak. I was one too! He helped me with my problem of my Yokai transformations. He did his manipulation thing and nothing happened. I told him about my eyes and how they change color due to emotion. He smiled and said relax as much as you can. "By the way what does black eyes mean ma chérie?" He asked. "Neutral or no emotion." I replied. "So you must be cold hearted then?" He asked. "Hell yeah!! She played all of us making us believe she was a male!! Never spoke or showed her face. She still is that way!" Shouted Mr. Butter. I reached for my kunai and threw it at him. This time he did catch it. "Okay I see nothing with you... I can see every single emotion in anyone!! In your lifetime you only have anger, fear, stress, and happiness. I see nothing else, not even love!!" He shouted. "Wait I see a little tiny dot of pink. And some purple... You felt embarrassed before and you felt care in your cold heart." He said. "How did you know?" I asked sarcastically. "We need to add a new emotion into you and fast...Normally with anyone and anything I am able to this in a flash. That's not a good sign." He said. "Who is person you care for the most?" Continued. "Halloween Nightmare, Desmentia, My dolls and Hades." I said. Mr. Butter scoffed and started playing with the knife I had. "Okay could they all sit around you in a circle?"

Hallow sat in front Desmentia behind every doll I have in keychain form in a giant box at my left and Hades at my right. "Magnifique! but we still need emotional objects or living things. Name another please." Manipulation looked deep in my dead eyes. "You boss come here and switch places with Halloween Nightmare. She needs to hold hands with Samurai-Ninja." He said while pointing at Mr. Butter. "What?" He said confused. And so he did. "Okay like I said join hands, the rest of you hold hands in a circle. Lastly I will join all of your emotions she ever felt for you guys and put them back into her." He said. "How is that gonna help?" I asked. He glowed a bright yellow and levitated while sitting in a criss cross position.

I saw colors of emotions I held onto them swirling around me in a flash. Most of them were red. But, then I saw lots of purple and orange? Orange was the times I had fun. I never knew it was an actual feeling I had. Gray and blue flashed. Sadness and happiness. Green was excitement. White also popped up. The opposite of black, it was mixed emotions. The colors formed into a giant white ball and flew straight into me. I screamed the loudest that was possible. The glass that was in the entire house shattered. I faced the stars. I was the only one to see the beautiful stars and the full moon. A tornado formed around me as everyone except Manipulation flew away. Everything turned into a white blur and I saw my family. Everyone alive and dead smiling at me. Then they frowned as the world around me went black. "You failed my dear." My mother said. Then my whole life flashed before my very eyes in heart beat as I died Permanently.

To Be Continued...

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