Dance Classes & Coffee Dates

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Ariana's POV:

I walked from room to room checking out how everything was running in the studio, all the children were there, laughter and screams in the air. The older kids were also having a great time and we had a huge line of new people wanting to take classes. I made sure everything was running smoothly before going into my office.

I sat on my desk ready to call my bestfriend and my phone rang, I looked at the caller ID and it didn't have a name, I picked it up hesitantly and answered.

"Ariana" I heard a voice say

"yea, who is this?" I said

"Justin, Justin Bieber" he said

"oh, hi" I said

"um i'm in your waiting room at your studio, I was wondering if I could see you" he said

Now usually I wouldn't play favorites with clients but it seemed I was gonna have to with Justin.

"I'll be with you in a minute" I said ending the call, I got up straightening my clothes. I was wearing black skinny pants, a magenta colored backless halter top and soft pink pumps. I was glad today I was looking pretty, sometimes I just came in tights or sweatpants. I walked out and into the waiting room, I quickly spotted Justin with a blond haired girl who was wearing white little Adidas shorts and pink tank with purple Jordans. Perfect attire for dancing.

"Justin" I said, him and the girl looked up and I motioned for them to come, both got up and followed me into my office.

"have a seat" I said softly.

"i'm jazzy" the girl said giving me her hand to shake, I shook her hand smiling at her.

"i'm Ariana" I said smiling

"so what type of dancing do you wanna get into, I can tell something like pop dance" I said

"yea, you know I wanna take it step by step until we get to ballroom and stuff like jive and tango"

"oh so you do wanna do those?"

"yes, but of course I really wanna learn routines and just hip hop"

"ok, let me just get your file ready" I said opening the laptop

"just tell me everything about you so I can fill it in"

"my name is Jazmyn Bieber" she continued telling me about herself until her file was completely done.

"so you'll be taking classes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from  3 to 5" I said

"thank you so much"

"let me show you your class" I said getting up and walking in front of them. I lead them to class A, where she'd learn beginner rules and steps. She loved it, jazzy hugged Justin and told him she loved it. After we'd toured the studio, Justin told jazzy too go wait in the waiting room as we walked back into my office.

"so how much" he asked

"don't worry about it" I said not wanting to take money from someone I knew or kinda knew.

"cmon Ariana" he said, we both obviously were going to be pretty stubborn on this, so I finally decided on a reasonable price and let him pay.

"you look beautiful" he said

"thank you" I said not wanting to look at him. He put his hand softly on my chin and pulled my face up to kiss my cheek. I blushed at the act.

"you wanna get coffee tomorrow morning" he asked

"um, I, sure I guess" I said not knowing what to answer.

"alright, I'll pick you up here" he said giving me a sudden hug.

"ok" I said pulling away quickly. He walked out and I sat at my desk, thinking that I really needed to stop letting him into my life this way.

Next Morning: Coffee Date

I got up from bed feeling like I'd never even slept, I walked to the bathroom lazily, when I got out, I walked into my closet smiling at all my clothes. I decided to stay causal putting on Jeans, a white tank top and white pumps. I did my hair and makeup and grabbed my Chanel purse. I walked to my car and drove to my studio quickly. I got out saying hi to everyone and checking on the younger kids that were here. I talked to some of them and headed to my office seeing Justin sitting on a chair in the waiting room on his phone.

"I saw your car" he said pointing his finger in the direction of my car.

"give me one minute" I said heading to my office and grabbing my purse. I headed back out walking in front of him.

"let's go bieber" I said, he nodded walking behind me. I was walking in the direction of my car but he grabbed my elbow steering me the other way till we got to a white Ferrari and he opened the door for me. I got in shaking my head laughing. The little cafe we drove to was perfect, it was small and simple. We got out and we ordered.

"so, i'm sorry about upsetting you at the party" he said taking a big bite of his muffin.

"its ok, it was my fault to" I smiled at him.

Justin's POV:

She smiled at me, her dimples making me go insane, she was so beautiful I couldn't see anyone but her. She was all I thought about.

Ariana's POV:

"so you and Katrina are a cute couple" I said

"maybe" he answered looking at me gently.

We had a good time after that, Justin didn't make me feel uncomfortable with any flirting bit made me laugh so much. We agreed to meet again soon simply because I enjoyed his company, I really hoped I wasn't making a mistake. A hug and a kiss on the cheek was how he left me when we got back to the studio. However, though he left and we were just friends, the thought of his soft sweet hug and delicate kiss took over my mind, his laugh was all I was thinking about. I sighed out loud taking a deep breath. Liking Justin was almost as bad as committing a crime at this point, I shook my head in utter confusion and disgust at myself as I grabbed my purse and headed out to my car. I was in need if some thinking time.


Ok, I hope you liked that, I know its kinda boring but action is coming up, don't you worry. xx

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