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Ariana's POV:

I sighed pacing in my office as I kept worrying, about what? Justin was hanging out with his business friend today, they were going to see different car places, she was a girl and it was driving me insane knowing they were together this instant, I knew I needed to get a grip but what if she kissed him or what if he fell in love with her, I'm going crazy because he's hanging with her. I called him for the 8th time that afternoon and as the previous times, there was no answer. I didn't wanna be a jealous nagging idiot but I couldn't help it. How could I stop thinking all this shit? I sighed again and sat down trying to get some work in. Suddenly my door opened and in came Justin along with a gorgeous brunette who had blue eyes, the body of a Victorias secret model and an adorable laugh that was ringing through the room, I looked up in fear, what if he was here to break up with me?

"babe, are you ok, you called me 8 times so I thought I'd check on you" Justin said kissing my cheek, I tried to force a smile onto my face,

"whose this?" I motioned to the woman,

"this is Stephanie" he said side hugging her, I uttered a little same laugh and looked down, pretending I didn't see her outstretched hand.  She coughed awkwardly and put her hand down, Justin looked confused while she just said,

"well I'll be off, I'll see you Justin" she hugged him and he hugged her back, I opened the door waiting for her to leave. When she was gone, I shut the door. Justin was staring at me as if I was crazy. I walked back to my desk and sat down.

"what the fuck was that?" he said

"what was what" I asked innocently

"don't give me that bullshit" he said and I finally looked at him.

"I'm not giving you anything Justin" I said still trying to play the innocent card.

"Fucking hell Ariana it doesn't take a genius to see that" Justin said throwing his hands in the air.

"it was her fault she" I paused thinking as Justin gave me an unimpressed look.

"gave me the evil eye" I said as if that's what I'd wanted to say all along.

"did she, I was staring at her the whole time, she didn't do anything" he said sternly

"oh so you were staring at her the whole time were you?" I said my voice dripping with annoyance.

"is that what this is" he said giving me a look

"you're jealous" he said

"no I'm not" I said defensively

"Ariana" Justin yelled

"fine I'm jealous you happy" I screamed

"there's no need to be jealous" he said softly

"oh sure there's no need to be jealous" I said mimicking him rudely

"I mean its ok, I don't have to worry when my boyfriend is drooling over a bitch" I yelled in anger

"she's not a bitch and I was not drooling" he yelled his voice getting harder.

"whatever you say" I said angrily

Justin looked at me and opened his mouth to say something,

"I don't wanna hear it Justin, go fuck Daphne and leave me alone"

"its Stephanie and I will leave you alone" Justin said stalking out of the room slamming the door behind him. I stared after him for a while then bit my lip, what had I done? All I just did was make him wanna go, but I didn't want him to go, I wanted him to reassure me. Instead I'd just pushed him right into her arms. I grabbed my purse following him, I figured he'd probably gone to his apartment. When I got there I went up and knocked on the door, usually I'd just go in. Justin opened the door and motioned with his eyes for me to come in. Before I'd taken my shoes off, I found myself pressed against the wall with Justin's lips secured to mine, I dropped my purse and wrapped my arms around him. I felt his tongue against mine and I pressed myself closer to him. He pulled away staring at me,

"I'm sorry" I said my eyes welling up with tears

"Ariana baby" he said pulling me over to the couch,

"I love you ok and you have to realize that when I say that I mean it so you don't have to be jealous, at all. I love you" he said stroking my cheek

"so you guys didn't flirt or anything" I asked

"Ariana" Justin yelled obviously annoyed.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry" I said biting my lip.

"no we didn't" he answered walking away from me and leaning against the window to look outside.

I sighed looking down at my hands, I didn't know how to deal with this. I'd never felt this way, self conscious and unconfident. I got up and stood in front of the mirror, I mean I wasn't a goddess or a beauty queen, but I had nice features and they worked well together. A tear slipped down my cheek as I felt myself getting scared. "Justin" I cried out a my tears started falling rapidly, I ran over wrapping my arms around his torso. "don't leave me" I said sobbing.

"baby stop i'm not going anywhere" Justin said turning over to hold me and I calmed down as fast as I'd gotten worked up.

Justin's POV:

I held onto Ariana rubbing her back carefully as I pressed my lips against her head. She lifted her head to look at me,

"i'm sorry, I love you, and I trust you" she said hugging me tighter.

"please trust me because I love you so much and you're all I want" I said placing my lips on hers for a minute before hugging her again.

"Ariana" I said softly

"yea" she said looking at me.

"you remember when I said I would hurt the whole world before I hurt you" I said softly

"yes" she said a small smile taking over her pretty features

"that still applies but now you mean even more to me, I will never let anything get in the way of us ok, I love you, I'll protect you and your my baby love, never forget that" I said playing with her hair.

"you're my every single thing" she said jumping on me wrapping her legs around my stomach and burying her face in my neck.

"you were jealous" I smirked and she hit my chest lightly

"shut up" she mumbled

"admit it, you were totally jealous baby and as much as I love you for being so protective, you have no reason to be jealous, the beauty I see in you, I don't see in anyone else. Your eyes and your cheeks, your mouth and your adorable dimples and most of all that beautiful smile" I said seeing her cheeks redden and her smile taste over. I kissed her cheek and she brushed her lips on mine before hugging me tightly.


First off, The Cover For

"No Regrets" is by @ashleyyyyyy54 so Thank You so much, its beautiful and I adore it. I love you babyy.

Second, Thank you all for voting and commenting and you're the best. xx

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