4 | Couch Potatoes

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"FINALLY!" you exclaim as you launch yourself onto the couch, landing with a soft 'thud' and burying yourself with pillows. G chuckles.

"you should take the bed." G suggests, you huff.

"No! You take the bed." you state. G huffs.

"please?" G pleads.

"No, it's your turn!" you exclaim, hugging the pillows tighter. G sighs.

"alright then." G walks away, you make a fist bump in the air, claiming your victory.

A few moments later, G comes back and sits down on the couch.

"i ain't using the bed." G states, laying down next to you. You blush.

"I'm used to sleeping on couches!" you exclaim, making G chuckle.

"me too." he says.

There was a comfortable silence between the both of you. Before you could fall asleep, you sit up and grab your guitar bag. You open it and pull out the guitar. G watches in interest.

"what happened to sleeping all day?" G asks, placing his legs on your lap. You blush.

You put them down.

He places them back.

You put them down.

He places them back.

You put them down, blushing more.

He places them back.

You decided to stop.

G chuckles.

"I d-don't feel like it anymore." you reason, he chuckles again.

"i didn't expect you to have a guitar" G says, you narrow your eyes at him.

"Dude, why do you think I was carrying a guitar bag all day?" you ask, G shrugs.

"i thought you put your clothes in there." G smirks, you chuckle as you attempt to play the guitar, failing miserably because of the fact that it's not tuned.

"it's not tuned." G points out, you nod.

"I can see that." you say.

"more like hear." G teases.

"Could you stop with the teasing?" you ask, G shakes his head.

"it's what makes me, me." G smirks, you sigh.

You attempt to tune your guitar, now it's becoming worse than before. G notices your struggle.

"here, lemme tune it for ya." G offers a hand, you tilt your head in confusion.

"You know how to tune guitars?" you ask,

"i'll show you." you hand over the guitar to G, he strums it a bit before messing with the tuners..?

Is that what you call it?

You watch as G tunes your guitar with ease, the way he fiddles with the strings, his concentrated face, and how he does it so swiftly, makes you blush. He looks...


"here ya go." G hands over your guitar, he looks at your face with a worried expression.

"is... something wrong?" G asks worriedly, you shake your head repeatedly.

"N-NO! Nothing's wrong!" you say quickly, making G chuckle.

You take the guitar and strum each string. It was perfectly tuned.

"H-how did you do it?" you ask, surprised.

"i know how to tune guitars but i suck at playing them." G admits, you chuckle.

"how about you? could you play a song or something?" G asks, you blush.

"N-no thanks, I'm not feeling up to it." you say, G chuckles.

"why'dya brought it out then?" G smirks, you sweat.

"I uh-"

"c'mon, just one?" G requests, you sigh.

"Do you know anime?" you ask sheepishly, G chuckles and nods.

"i learned how ta speak japanese 'cause of it." G chuckles.

"Okay, I'm gonna play this one intro." you say, positioning your fingers.

"which one?" G asks.

You bring out the equipment needed for the song.



Vid by: Sungha Jun
Subsribe to him pls! i don't own this.

As you finish, G was lost for words. When you look at him, he had a yellow hue covering his face. You smirk.

"I look hot, don't I?" you tease, G blushes more.

"ya sure do." G winks, you blush this time.

That backfired.

G chuckled at your flustered expression.

"where' dya learn how ta play like that?" G asks, in his accent tone..?

"I grew up with this guitar." you say and grin.

"how old is it?" G asks curiously.

"Well, I got it around when I was five or six? That means it's about either fifteen or sixteen years old." you answer.

"your in your twenties?" G asks, blushing a small yellow hue on his face, you shake your head.

"Nah, I'm about a thousand years old~! I created life and death itself!" you say sarcastically.

For a moment, G stares at you with a blank expression, seconds later, the room was filled with laughter.

"wow! i praise ya, oh wise one!" G exclaims, in between laughter. This makes you laugh even more.

After your laughter died down, G asked the most ridiculous question.

"hey wanna play finish that sentence?"

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