2 | Career Suicidal

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You open your eyes and turn your head to see the familiar looking skeleton from before.

"Uh h-hey!" you greet awkwardly, he chuckles.

You watch as he places his luggage on the top cabinet and sits beside you while hugging his small bag.

"name's G." G introduces, you tilt your head in confusion.

"G, as in God?" you ask.

"you could call me that if you want to." G teases, you chuckle.

"Y/N." you introduce,

"y/n huh? what a pretty name for a pretty girl." G complements, you blush.

Crud, he's smooth.

"So, where are you heading?" you ask, avoiding topic. He chuckles.

"just visiting japan." he answers, your eyes widen.

"Hey, me too!" you exclaim,

"really?" he asks, you hum.

The conversation was cut short by the crew introducing themselves and showing the do's and don't's.

At this part, you never really listened anymore. You've ridden too much planes so the instructions felt like a part of your life. It's like a nail being permanently hammered to your brain.

Not the painful way though.

A woman stood right infront of your seats and gave G a flirtatious look. You and G tilt your head in confusion.

After they all finish the announcements, the woman walks over to G.

"Hey handsome, wanna go out sometime?" the woman asks, you widen your eyes.

"Since when do flight crew attendants flirt with their passengers?" you ask, bewildered. G holds in a chuckle.

The woman looks at you angrily, but immedietly let's her cool side in.

"I'm not talking to you, bitch." the woman says, you narrow your eyes.

Welp, this one's getting reported.

G looks at you knowingly before turning back to the woman.

"So, you in?" the woman says, slightly shaking her hips.

"sorry, but i'm with her. also, you may have just committed career suicide." G smirks. The woman sweats.


All crew members please proceed to your seats, passengers buckle your seatbealts. Flight will begin shortly.

"Ugh!" the woman stomps off. You look over to G and he looks over to you as well. You both break out laughing, careful not to disturb the other passengers though.

"W-wow! For a moment there I thought you would just accept." you tease, G narrows an eye socket at you.

"and you look like you would've snapped at her a second later." G smirks, you blush.

"It's just that, I've travelled my whole life, Airplanes are basically my second home. I never met a rude attendant before." you reason, G chuckles.

"same here, i've travelled a lot too." G says.

"Why do you travel?" you ask curiously. He stiffens for a second before he relaxes.

"i like to see the views and cultures of other countries." G explains. You hum.

"how about you?" he asks.

"I'm a photographer." you say as you raise your camera for him to see, he looks impressed.

Flight will now proceed.


You and G talked a lot more in the air, He told you he had a brother who had very bad cooking skills, but put to much heart into it, he couldn't say he didn't like it. Based on the information he had given you, it looks like they have a very close bond.

You wondered what you would feel if you have an older sibling. Maybe you'd fight a lot with him or her because you know very well that you're annoying. You even annoy yourself sometimes... STILL, how would it feel?

"I wish I had a brother." you thought aloud.

"don't you?" G asks, you shake your head.

"I'm the only child." you say.

"where are your parents?" he asks, you sigh.

"They're gone now." you say casually, they didn't matter anyway.

"i'm so-"

"Don't be, they weren't the best parents." you chuckle. He looks at you nervously.

You hear some rolling wheels getting louder and louder, it's probably the food. Oh boy, how you loved food.

"Hello, would you like something to eat?" the woman from earlier asked, in a somewhat discrete tone.

"Sure I wo-"

"Not talking to you," she cuts you off, you grumble.

"no thanks." G says, trying not to sound sarcastic.

"How about I get you one for free?" the woman asks, G thinks about it.

"sure, gimme one of those ham croissants." G says; the woman excitedly handed G his food and proceeded to provide him a bottle of water afterwards. You frown.

I like those croissants.

"Thank you sir!" the woman happily walks away. You sigh.

"god, finally." G sighs out, handing you over the croissant, you blush.

"But it's yours." you reason.

"like i said, i didn't wanted any." G smiles, you blush more.

"Th-thanks." you stutter as you take it and open the wrapper, he hands you the bottle of water. You shake your head again.

"why do you have to be so damn stubborn?" G teases, you blush even more from embarrassment .

"What will you drink?" you ask.

"i got my own liquids." G says, snapping a finger. A few seconds later, he's holding a bottle filled with... Bbq sauce?

He chugs it down, your eyes widen in disbelief.

"Woah! That's so cool!" you exclaim, making him blush a yellow neon.

"Is that your blush?" you ask, tracing his cheekbones. He nods slowly, you chuckle.


"not as cute as your blush." G cuts you off, making you flustered. He chuckles.

You take the water bottle and drink it, avoiding contact.

After eating and telling more stories and jokes, occasionally making the other person laugh by how cheesy they sound, you yawn.

You decide to lean your head over G's shoulder to see his reaction.

When you do it, he stiffens but doesn't say anything. He slowly places an arm around your shoulder. You blush along with him.

"Night G."

"'g''night, y/n."

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