Chapter 1: The Start of Changes

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I don't know why but, there's shadows that follow me everywhere I go. No, I'm not meaning figuratively. Why is it a bad thing? Let's start from the beginning. I was 5 when I started Kindergarten and that's when my demons came. I was being bullied because, I was the newcomer of the town of Salem, Oregon. I cried during lunch time and that's when I heard a whisper," Don't worry. I'll take care of everything." I thought it was my mom who came behind me but, all I saw was my shadow walking towards the kid who bullied me, Danny Manchester. I could tell by its maniacal laugh that it was up to no good. I ran after it so that it won't get me in trouble but before I could do anything, the shadow of anger gave him a black eye. At first, I was grateful but then, the teacher saw that I was standing up and assumed it was me not my shadow. I told the teacher and she didn't believe me. So, I was sent to the principal's office and my dad also didn't believe me. "Son, you need to stop making up these ridiculous stories. This is exactly why we moved from Topeka, Kansas," said my dad. "Daddy, I'm not making it up though,"I said. "Maybe you should take this child to a therapist. That will put some common sense into him,"said the teacher, Mrs. Gatsby. "But, I'm not making it up though." "That's enough, Calvin!" My dad hit the desk with his fist and I knew right then he wouldn't believe me. On the other hand, I looked at my mom and she looked concerned as if she knew what was going on. Even though I was sent home to see a psychiatrist and a therapist, my mom had an argument with my dad with my mom looking the same way she did in the principal's office yet my dad didn't seem to care. My mom walked away from my dad, took me into the car, and buckled up my car seat. "What was that about, Mommy?" "Nothing, sweetie. Don't worry about it, ok?" I looked at my mom and I could tell that something was going on. 5 years later, my dad was cheating on my mom with his secretary. I didn't know about it until I heard them arguing again and then, my dad slapped her. I ran to my room and slammed the door. I cried so much that night and I heard the same voice saying," Don't worry. I'll take care of him." I yelled,No, you'll just get me in trouble again." "But, your mother already knows about me." "What do you mean?" The shadow said nothing and walked away. It opened my door and I ran after it. I saw it go to my dad's desk and get his key for his hunting rifles yet it only picked up the shadow of it. It opened his gun vault and picked up the shadow of his pistol. I begged it not to do it but it laughed the same evil laugh. He ran to the kitchen where my dad was still beating my mom and pulled the trigger. My dad was gone with blood on the floor and my mom looked at my shadow in shock. "See, Mom. It wasn't me." "I knew it the whole time, sweetie."

"What do you mean, Mom?" "You don't need to know yet. Now, help me dispose of the body before the cops arrive. I'm pretty sure they will either blame me or blame you.""But, mom..." "But, nothing. Nobody is going to believe that your shadow did it even though we both know it did. Now, come on and help me." I did as I was told as we threw my dad in the furnace next door but then, I noticed someone at a window. It was our neighbor who hated our guts more than anybody's. I told my mom and we just ran to the car leaving all of our belongings besides my mom's cell phone. "Where are we going, Mom?" "We're going to some place where we can be safe." I didn't say a word afterwards but suddenly, I saw a couple of cop cars behind us. "Mom, it's the police." "Sweetie, just act like nothing happened, ok? Also, just know no matter what happens you must be brave and make sure the shadow doesn't get you in trouble." "Ok, Mom." My mom pulled over to the curb and acted as natural as she could. The police officer looked familiar and it happened to Officer Stanley. He and I use to be buddies playing ball together. He was more of a father figure than my dad was but, he got into the police force and he had been so busy with criminal cases from robbery to sex offenders. "Hey, Phoebe and Calvin. I need to talk to you guys." "What about, Rob?" my mom said acting confused. My mom and I always called him Rob because his first name was actually Robert. It became a nickname of his. "Your neighbor, Mrs. Donaley, saw you and Calvin take a dead body to the next door furnace which looked like Mark. I know that woman hates both of you so, I'm sure it's not true. However, I do have to question you both. Come with me to the police station and I'll allow you to drive the car on the way there, ok?" "Ok, Rob." I was surprised how my mom held up so well but, the truth would have to come out sooner than later. I knew that and she did, too. She followed Robert to the police station without hesitation but before she got out of the car, she said to me, "Honey, I might have to lie for you. I know deep down nobody will believe. Maybe Rob will but, I highly doubt the others. So no matter what, you must stay strong or else you'll be mostly like put in juvenile hall. I know you don't want that and I don't want that either so, remember: stay strong." "Mom, what is juvenile hall anyways?" "It's jail for children and I know you'll be put in there for a long time. I don't want to see you suffer in there so, you must follow my lead. Do you understand?" "I understand." At the time, I could feel the tears about to stream down my face but, I held them in for my mom. This is what we had to do for the sake of me but, my head started to hurt to the point I heard the voice again. "Don't worry. I'll take care of the other police officers." My mom said to me,"It's the shadow again, isn't it?" "Yeah, it's saying it will take care of the other police officers. It's going to kill them.""Don't allow it. Think happy thoughts, ok? Think about the days when you, and Rob were playing catch together." All of the sudden, the thought popped up in my head and it made me smile. "That's my boy. Now, remember: follow my lead and stay strong." I nodded as the thought stayed in my head. I knew what was going to come but, I didn't know it was going to change my life forever. "Don't worry, son. When my sentence is over, we'll be together again," my mom said. "But, Momma, it wasn't your fault. It's not fair!" I cried with tears of horror, shock, and sadness. "I know, Calvin, but nobody is going to believe us." "Maybe Rob would." I hugged my mom tightly for I knew it might be awhile until I would see her again. "Even though he is our friend, Rob probably won't as well." I looked at her like I could believe my ears. "Don't worry, Momma. I'll figure out how to get you out of this mess. I know I will. I just know it." My mom picked me up and put me on her lap with these words: Son, I know you mean well but, I don't want you to get in trouble. Rob came in and said," Come on, Calvin. It's time to go." "You take good care of him, Rob." "I will, Phoebe." "Remember, Calvin: think happy thoughts!" I didn't know that was the last time I would get to hug her.

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