Chapter 3: The Dark Hidden Secret

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I got home about 6:30 and as I opened the door, Rob asked," Where you've been? You're usually home earlier." "I was hanging out with Walt." "Oh ok. Are you ready to eat? I made your favorite food: California sushi rolls with lo mien." Rob always knew my favorite food. My mom said that when I was a toddler, he had me try some Chinese food and that I loved it ever since. Ever since then, he has been either making Chinese food or getting take-out from a Chinese restaurant. I just looked at the wooden oak floor and he asked," Are you ok? You look like you have done something terrible. Did you let Peter influence you?" "No, Rob, I didn't." "Then, what's wrong?" "It's just that....." I was about to tell him the truth but then, I remembered what Amy said to Walt. "I wouldn't tell him unless he sees it himself, Walter." Even though I would hate to lie to him, I knew that I had to lie but with a little bit of truth. "I don't know my past and my family past. I never knew my grandparents on both sides of my mom's and dad's family. I don't even know my dad's past." He looked at me and said," I think it's best that you don't know about your father's past but, we can talk about your mom's parents and past." "Ok." At least, I got part of it but, why not my father's past? "Before we do, let's eat dinner," he said looking away from me. What was he hiding from me? Is there some kind of dark secret of my father's side that Rob didn't want me to know? After we got done eating, Rob said," Ok, here's the story of your mom. She use to live here." "What? But, I thought all 3 of us just moved here 11 years ago. That's what Dad said." "That's what your dad wanted you to think. Anyways, your grandparents died on her junior year of Witmore High, the same place you go to school, from a car accident. A drunk driver hit their Mercedes Benz and they were on their way to pick up Phoebe, your mom, from junior prom. After the funeral, she wasn't the same." "How long you knew her?" "I knew since we were kids. She was my next door neighbor. She and I use to play as knights fighting a imaginary dragon which I told her,' How come you want to play this when other girls want to play with Barbies and My Little Ponies?" and do you know what she answered?" I shook my head. "She said,' Because, I'm not like other girls. I figured that if boys can do it, so can girls.' It made me think that......" "It made you think what?" I sat in my arm chair patiently. "Well since your dad is dead, I mind as well tell you. It made me think that.............I want her as a girlfriend and whatnot but, I was too young to even think about dating. So, I thought to myself,' Maybe I'll wait until I'm older.'" "Did you date my mom when you did?" ".............No, I didn't. I never got the chance. I did get to ask her to dance with me during junior prom. She said yes and we danced to the song 'Faithfully' by Journey. After the song was over, she knew it was her curfew and wondered where her parents were at. So, I asked her if she wanted me to take her home. She said that she would like that." Rob hesitated for awhile and continued. "On the way down the road, we saw a Mercedes Benz and Phoebe asked if that was her parent's car. I stopped by the sidewalk and looked in the car. It was indeed your grandparents except with your grandpa had blood dripping from his head which had glass cutting it. I thought,' Dear God! Please let her Momma be alive.' Thank God, your grandma was alive but, she was in critical condition. I called 911 to tell them that we found her parents' car and they looked like they had a wreck. They said that they were on their way but then, I heard Phoebe get out of my Ford Mustang and she saw her dad's head was bleeding. She always knew people by the back of their heads and faces. She cried saying,'Oh my God!' and ran towards the car. She was a daddy's girl and she screamed out of the top of her lungs saying,'Daddy, wake up! Wake up!' Then, she looked at her mom and saw that she was breathing. 'Momma, wake up! Wake up!' Phoebe said yelling at the top of her lungs. Her mom woke up but as soon as we made it to the hospital, she already had a huge loss of blood and died." "Damn...." "Yeah, that's how come you never knew your grandparents. I wish you got to though. They were really good people." We went to the dining room to continue the conversation. I sat at my usual seat: the mahogany chair on the top right. "You still haven't told me about my dad." He turned his head away from me as if he was afraid to tell. The question is "What is he hiding from me?". What is so horrible that he would be this silent for this long? I got up from my chair and said to him," Fine, I'll find out somehow." I was about to walk out of the room when Rob said," You really want to know, don't you?". "Yes, even if I wasn't that close to Dad as I was to Mom." I turned around to face him and I saw his hand on his face. Did I go too far? Did I make Rob go to his limit? He removed his hand from his face after he sighed and looked up at me. "Sit back down, Calvin. This is going to be a long talk." I thought he was going to give me a lecture but, I didn't need one. Even if I didn't want to sit down, I knew that I would get a actual discussion about how to listen your parent or guardian which I don't want to hear right now. So, I went to sit back to my spot and he looked back and forth as if he felt like something or someone was watching him. "What's wrong?" "I'm just making sure that we're not watched." "Watched? By who?" There was a long pause and for the first time in my lifetime, I saw fear in Rob's eyes which is very unusual for him. I knew him that long enough to know that. "There's rumors about your father." I never liked rumors but considering what all happened and what I want to find out, I had to listen. My soul might depend on it. "Go on." I looked at him straight in the eyes and the fear was still there. "The rumors says that your father was a orphan who came from a very poor family and whose parents were killed." Another long pause began. So, I just sat there for him to continue because, I knew deep inside of me there was more. "Nobody knows who or what killed his parents. Also, there's more rumors which frightens me to this day." I somehow knew where this was going but, I really wanted to know. "While he was in the orphanage, he was abused by the headmaster and so was the other children. Some say that......" I looked at him expectantly. I was thinking to myself "Rob, please tell me. My life might depend on it." "Some say that he sold his soul to either the devil or a demon. Some say that he is actually a demon." I was in cloud nine this morning but then, I didn't know what to think. It was like someone trying to say that your father is a pig except this is way worse than a pig. "Which rumors do you believe?" Rob looked at me and said this," I don't know but, I know your mom mentioned a long time ago that your dad was into Satanism. At first, I thought she was just joking or what not but then, your father came at the door and heard our conversation." There was another long silence. "Your dad was saying that she was imagining things and tended to make stuff up which I knew that was unlike her. As I left, I caught a glimpse in his eyes and saw a little red tint in there. I never seen red tint in someone's eyes before. Even back then, they didn't have red eye contacts. So, I believe that your dad might've been possessed by a demon." I looked at him for the longest time and thought "What?". How was I last to know? Was that why my mom tried to keep me calm as possible? After dinner was over, I immediately got out my iPhone and went into my room. As I was just going to call Amy, Rob came into there and asked if I was ok. "Yeah, I'm fine." "If you need anything, just let me know, ok?" Rob was about to walk out of the door when I said," I will, Rob." Finally, he shut the door and I dial her number. Amy answered saying," Hello, who is this?" "It's me, Calvin." "Oh, hey, did you get any more info?" "Yes, a little more than I expected." "Ok, have Walter meet us at the Milton Library." "Got it." "I'll be there in exactly 1 hour." "Ok, I'll be there if not Walt also." "Okay, I'll meet you guys or you there." "Ok,bye." "Bye." We both hung up and I called Walt right after telling him to meet me and Amy at that library. "Ok, I'll be there." "Thanks, bud!" "Hey, what are friends for, dude?" "Still, thanks." "No problem." After we hung up, I went out of the door and Rob was sitting at the porch. "Rob, can I borrow the truck?" "Sure, Cal, why?" "I'm meeting Walter at the Milton Library." He threw me the keys with no other questions asked which I was hoping for and I thanked him. As I went up to the Ford truck, I couldn't help but felt like telling him the whole story. Even though I felt that way, I knew that I would be putting him in danger and I didn't want that. So, I just opened up the car door, put my seat belt on, put the keys in ignition, and drove out of the cement driveway to the road. I drove the speed limit because if Rob caught me driving over it which is usual of me, he would know something was wrong.

Chapter 4: The Darkness Creeping

I finally made it to the library within the time Amy and Walter was coming and I saw that Walter was using his bike for transportation since his parents barely have enough money to get by with. I also saw that Amy took her dad's motorcycle which her mom never let her drive since her dad pasted away about 2 years ago unless for emergencies. I guessed that Amy said something about me but, I didn't know whether she told the whole story or part of it. I got out of the truck and Amy and Walter were standing there waiting for me to come out. "Amy, since when your mom let you drive the bike?" "I told her it was an emergency and gave her this frightened look which she gave into since she knows when I use that face that something is terribly wrong." "Wow, ok then." "I wish it was that easy to ask my parents' to borrow the car but, money is tight with them," replied Walt. "Enough chit chat though. Let's get in the library before anything else happens or before we get caught," said Amy. "Right," said Walter and I at the same time. "No wonder you two are best friends! You both agree and get along with each other." "Let's just go inside, Amy," I pleaded. "Oh yeah, right." I facepalmed at her and we all three went into the building. It had some construction work done which took a whole year to get done, and the building actually was a little more bigger than it was. We went into a aisle with no people in it which the library barely has any people especially at that time of day and which it was about to close in about 2 hours. Even though it was only that amount of time, we still had time to talk about what Rob told me and to do more research. "So, what did Rob say?" asked Walt. "He said that my dad possibly was possessed by a demon even my mom told him before I was born that my dad was in Satanism." "Oh my God! Calvin, do you know what that means?" said Amy. "I have a guess but, I'm not absolutely sure." "There's a tradition in cults that when a worshiper of Satan has a newborn son, the baby must have its soul given to him as well." "What the heck? Cal, I maybe no reader of the Bible but, I know that's some really bad mojo." "It's worse than really bad mojo. As far as my knowledge goes, those are the kind of dark forces you don't want to mess with." The demon inside right then talked to me again saying," Don't listen to her! She is just ruining the fun we are having." "Calvin, the thing with being psychic is that we can hear demons as well. So, whatever your name be, leave Calvin alone!" "Cal, if you don't get her to shut up, I will kill her," said the demon. "Go ahead.Try me," Amy threatened with a unafraid voice. "Amy, no!" I said. The shadow demon got out of my shadow which was giving me a sharp pain to my back and appeared as another me. I looked at it with fear and shock realizing what Amy said about the Satanic tradition was true. It laughed and said," Do you really think you can defeat me?" "We can at least try," said Walt. I was sitting on the floor from the pain and when the pain stopped I got back up slowly. I begged Walter and Amy to let me handle it. "You're too weak to defeat him, Calvin. Walter and I will take care of this." Amy looked at the demonic form of me and said," Hit me with your best shot, demon!" "With pleasure." Amy didn't have any weapons at hand and I thought," What the hell is she doing? She'll get killed." The demon jumped high up in the air, and threw what looked like some metal bookmarks. Suddenly out of nowhere, Amy pulled out a cross and it made all of the metal bookmarks evaporate. Walter was looking for the section with the Bible in it but, the demon noticed him and jumped on top of each bookshelf following Walt down like a lion looking for prey. I ran towards the direction he was going and so did Amy. We saw the section Walt was at but, the demon was watching him with hungry eyes while he was looking for a scripture verse. The demon shoot his black feathers from his wings at Walter which turned metallic. "Walt, look out!" I yelled. He turned around and the razor sharp feathers were close to hitting him. But then just before he got cut with one blow, Amy got in the way with cross at hand. I never seen a girl have such fast cat-like reflexes. My demonic counterpart looked angrily at them and said," You both think that you're so smart. Well, I may not be strong enough to defeat you two but, I will be back in due time." Then, I felt the pain again as he sucked back into my shadow. "Calvin, are you ok?" said Amy. The pain gone away in a matter of a minute and I said," What the hell was that?" "What do you think?" "Cal, I tried to look up the scripture verse that will help cast out the demon in you but, he caught up with me," said Walt. "No, it's fine. I'll have fight this hectic creature on my own. So if you don't want to get hurt, stay away from me." "But, Calvin...," said Amy and Walter in union. "I'm going to go now." Walter tried to grab my arm because, he knew I couldn't do it on my own. Even though I knew that very well, I had to or else they would both possibly get injured or brutally murdered and I didn't want that for them. So, I pulled my arm out of his grip and walked out of the library. I didn't know how I was going to do it but, I only knew one thing: I got to tell Rob what's been going on with me or else he might get killed as well.

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