Chapter 13

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Hi ;D. I'm so thankful for all the reads and votes I have. And thank you to anyone who has messaged me or commented. It really means a lot. A big confidence boost for sure. Anyway, here's chapter, what, 13? It's crazy. I love you all. Next read goal is 400. Can we do it? Hopefully when I get back from NYC on Sunday I'll be there. Surprise me :D. This chapter looks kinda short. Sorry. I'll do lots of writing next week ok? Ok well I don't have a vid or anything, but here is 13. Please vote, comment, fan, etc. Thank you all!


(Kendra's P.O.V)

“Hey whore.” She drawled. I froze on the spot. What? How is she here in Florida? Why is she here?

“Chr-Christina...” I never stutter. This is bad. “What are you doing here.” I was literally shaking. I was s scared of this girl.

“I think the question is why are YOU here? I’m here because Harry invited me here. Why are you here?” WHAT!?! This was Harry’s girlfriend? How could he date HER? I mean she’s easy and slutty, but I thought Harry would want a girlfriend with a good personality too. Plus, Harry knew how mean Christina used to be to me, and it doesn’t look like things have changed much. I opened the door a bit and she strutted in.

“I’m staying the summer here, on vacation. My best friend is their managers niece and-”

“I don’t really care. Where’s Harry?”

“I don't know, they said they’d be back by now.”

“Oh. So are you that loser that Harry used to hang around in high school?”

“That’s me..” I mumbled. She stepped a bit closer to me and stares me down.

“You’re even uglier than I remember.” She scowled and walked away, making herself at home. Super. Just super.

Thankfully that’s when the boys burst into the room. I’m saved! Niall came up and gave me a big hug. I hugged back and then asked Mackenzie what had taken them so long. She said that they had gotten discovered by fans. I saw Christina walk up to Harry and pretty much snog him on the spot. I tried to turn towards Mackenzie and ignore him. The boys all shot me sympathetic looks. Liam cleared his throat and Harry pried Christina off of him. I looked at him betrayed, surely he must’ve remember what she did to me. Without a word I marched into my room. I shut the door and collapsed onto my bed. Tears poured down my face as I remember everything she had done to me.


I was getting changed for a track meet in the locker room. I hated changing in front of everybody because I was so insecure. I had curves, but not like these other girls. I crept over to my gym locker and opened it up. I looked around. Thankfully I was alone. I peeled off my jeans and changed into my track shorts. I peeled off my shirt and looked for my jersey. I couldn’t find it. My coach would kill me if I lost it. I frantically searched through my locker.

“Looking for this, slut?” Fuck. I turned to see Christina holding up my jersey. She had an army of mean girls behind her. An army of three, but an army nonetheless.

“Yeah, I kinda need that.”

She cackled and glanced at my body. Oh yeah, I was topless.

“No wonder no one likes you, just look at you. Who would want to be seen with that!” She motioned her hand to my body. Her friends laughed and my eyes began to water. Christina walked up to me and shoved my jersey into my stomach, basically punching me. They walked away laughing at how ‘pathetic’ I was. I finished getting ready in silence.

****End of Flashback***

I heard my door creak open and Louis and Liam walked in. I rubbed my eyes, just imagining how red they must be. They sat down on the end of my bed and I just rolled over and groaned.

“It has to suck to see the guy you love be like that with someone else. I’m sorry.” Louis said. He was really awkward, but I appreciate the effort.

“Guys..It’s not just that. It’s WHO he’s dating. In high school, she..she..” I erupted in more tears as millions of names rolled through my mind. I regained my composure and tried talking again. “She would have sex with guys so they would beat me up. She’s tease and bully me. She made my life a living hell. She called me names and insulted me every day. Harry used to always save me though, I’d probably be dead if it wasn’t for him. How could he forgive her? How can he just let that go? Did he not even care?” Liam pulled me into a hug, interrupting my word vomit.

He rubbed my back soothingly as I cried into his chest. I peeked up and dried my eyes a bit. Louis looked pissed. Then he spoke up, his voice barely audible. “Did you ever..” His voice trailed off. I gave him a confused look and he gestured to my arms. My eyes grew wide and then I squeezed them shut.

“Yes. A few times. I didn’t get addicted though.” I practically whispered this. Not even Harry knew about my cutting. “Most of the scars and stuff are from other people or Christina, I’m sure you‘ve noticed them before.”

Liam and Louis nodded slowly. “We didn’t wanna say anything.” Louis ran his fingers through his already messy hair. I sighed and told them I needed time out of the house, alone. I decided to just go down to the beach for the night. I changed and packed a bag with stuff. I walked down the stairs and all eyes turned to me. No one said anything as I walked out the back door and down to the water.

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