Chapter 2: Introductions

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I woke with a start, my breathing laboured. I stared around me, struggling to remember who and where I was. I groaned and fumbled for my lamp, finally finding the switch and flicking it on. I got up and stretched, my back letting out a loud crack, before padding quietly into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and surveyed its contents.

2 bottles of milk.

1 block of cheese.

2 tubs of butter.

I reached in and grabbed the cheese and butter, before turning to the pantry and grabbing a loaf of bread. I pulled a knife out of the knife block and used it to cut the bread into even slices. It had been baked last night, so it was still fresh. I slathered some butter onto it before grabbing out a frying pan and setting it onto the stove. I cut a slice of cheese and put the buttered side down in the pan. I then proceeded to place the cheese and the last slice of bread on top of it.

I sat back and waited for it to cook. Breakfast at the WWTC was normally a scary subject, seeing as most people would fight over the few provisions that were left in the morning. It was good to get up early and avoid the hustle.

I should probably explain where I am. The WWTC is an acronym for Were-Wolf Training Centre. Young werewolves came here to train, as the name obviously suggests. Most werewolves are brought here by their families so that they can grow into their abilities. Then there are the werewolves like me, who are dumped by their parents at a young age, most likely because their families couldn’t support them anymore. The WWTC is a large brick building that looks freakishly intimidating from the outside but is actually quite warm and welcoming once you step through the large oak doors. I flipped my sandwich once one side of it was crispy and golden.

I sat for a moment, staring out of the large glass doors that led out to the training area. I remembered being out there with Gem, wrestling and practising our fighting techniques. Gem, short for Gemini, was my sister. She wasn’t my actual sister, but she was the closest thing that I had to family here. Gem had arrived at the WWTC about three months before I had. She had been found in a box with another werewolf, whose name was Hunter. We had been the only werewolves our age, but we had never really interacted much. That had all changed when we were eleven. I had been training with Gem and Hunter. We were all in the same type of class, because we all had the potential to be future warriors. Anyway, I had been paired up with Gem for a practise fight. I normally won this type of thing, seeing as I was one of the strongest students that there was, but Gem had put up quite a fight. If it came to close up combat, I would start to win, but Gem would always manage to slip away before I could deal any damage. Her fighting technique was quicker and more precise than mine. I suppose she had been training for longer than me, but I was a bit taller than her.

Ok, I’m going a bit off track here. The trainer had called a tie and me and Gem had been told to go for a walk, so that our muscles didn’t stiffen up. Gem had grinned at me, “Good match! I’m lucky I’m fast, or you would’ve squashed me!!” She sounded friendly, so I had given her a small smile. I wasn’t very good with people. I guess being abandoned by your mother when you’re only a year old can cause some social problems. Who would have guessed! Gem had obviously sensed my reluctance, as she punched me lightly on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, my social skills suck as well. I guess the whole ‘abandonment’ thing doesn’t exactly help.” Her voice was slightly sympathetic and I could feel myself warming to her. I had let out a small laugh.

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