"Just a fever"

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I don't think the Avengers have the tower anymore, do they? Oh, well. They do in this-
Tony had been working in the lab all day and not really paid much attention to Peter, who had needed Tony's help in studying for a test. He had been studying for the past week -it was a huge test- and had been going to the tower since he began. Unfortunately heating was broken in the Avengers Tower, which was fantastic with it being the middle of winter...

He entered Tony's lab, where he was working on the spider suit.
"Hey, uh, Mr. T?" Tony heard croaking in his voice, but passed it off-
"Nope" he responded, giggling slightly.
"T-dog?" Peter jested
"Those words should never leave your mouth" he said, dropping his tools in order to hold back his laughs at this remark.
"Stop kid," he had his elbows rested on the desk; head in his hands, until he stood up to talk to Pete, "what's up?" Tony returned back to his work.

"I- I don't feel so good..."

Tony, suddenly, froze. He went completely pale faced.
"Wh-what?" Voice breaking, he pointed in Peter's direction, clearly shaken, "you don't?!"
Suddenly, it was like 'action stations' for Tony.
"STEPHEN!!" He screeched, before feeling Peter's temperature, and grabbing blankets as well as ice packs (which, granted, didn't make much sense, but he was really panicking). "STEPHEN!" He screamed once more.

"What? What is it?!" Stephen stormed in to the lab, annoyed.
"It's Peter!"
"What? What's wrong with him?!" He began to panic also, watching his son being wrapped up in layers of blankets, ice packs on his head and being carried to lay down on the sofa.
"Papa, I think it's just a cold-"
"Oh, my God! Stephen! He feels cold!" Tony ripped the ice packs off Peter's head after this.

"Tony, honey..." Stephen realised that nothing was seriously wrong with Peter, and so began trying to calm his husband down, "listen, I think it's just a fever Stark—"
"How can you be sure?!"
"Because it's bloody freezing in here! No heating in winter?!" He began ranting, "he's probably contracted a cold! Calm down!" He lost it after Tony doubted his skills as a doctor.
"That's hypocritical!" Tony shouted.
"You don't know the meaning of that word!"
"You're god damn right I don't!" Suddenly, Tony's voice went sweet and quizzical, "What does it mean?" The two paused for a moment. Stephen hadn't been serious in that statement, and was amazed it was true.
"Doesn't matter!" Tony finally finished. "Friday! Run a diagnostic, is he dying? Is it poison?!"
"My God, you're dramatic..."

After seeing what he had done to his dad's -and what Tony was doing to him- he decided to play it off as fake: "Uh, papa, I'm actually fine... just a joke- I, uhh, have homework to do..."
Tony sighed with a hand over his arc reactor, "Jesus, kiddo. Don't scare me like that!"
"Yes, Pete- please don't..." Stephen said, sniggering and holding the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut.

Peter began unraveling the blankets from himself, but dragged them behind him as he left (it was so cold-). He stopped next to Stephen, who saw through his lie.
"I'll come take a look at you in a minute." He whispered to Pete, messing up his hair, playfully, as he passed. In response, Peter just smiled- it was a smile that brightened Strange's day as it had not been going to well...

"You thought that was hilarious, didn't you?" Strange heard Tony mutter.
"Actually," he paused, "yes."
"Can you blame me?"
"Not at all..." he paced over to hug Tony, who was still rattled. "But you're not going to lose us again..."
Tony mouth twitched into a brief smile and they just stayed for a moment.

"Yes" The two had their eyes closed in a sweet hug.
"You're way to over protective-"
"Shut it" he laughed...

"Just a fever"- Mini Ironstrange AUWhere stories live. Discover now