the beginning of Junior High

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"Beca Beca we are 7th graders" Fat Amy yells and hugs the small brunette.

"Yeah I know Amy"Beca tries to stop Amy hugging her.

"What's your first class"Amy points to Beca's schedule.

Beca looks at her schedule "PE"

"I have PE to" Amy yells.

                School bell rings

"We better get to our first class" Beca says worried.

"Aw dam it we don't have the same teacher"Amy says in a disappointed way.

"But we will still see each other"Beca tries to cheer up Amy.

Amy walks to her PE class,while Beca walks to her class. Beca sees a familiar face."Stacie!!"Beca runs up to her best friend.

Stacie turns around and Beca hugs her "you miss me" Stacie Says in a childish voice.

"Why don't you text me anymore" Beca says in a sad tone Then looking straight into Stacie eyes.

"Sorry I dropped my phone in the toilet"Stacie Says

Right at that moment a red head girl passes by Beca.Beca can't stop staring at her and gets lost in her beautiful red wavy curls and beautiful blue eyes.

Stacie notices that Beca was staring at some red head "Beca snap out of it" Stacie snaps her fingers in front of Beca face to get her attention.

That girl standing behind me is so hot is she staring at me should I say hi Chloe thought.

"Chloe what you thinking about" Aubrey pops out of nowhere.

"Nothing"Chloe says blushing.

"Wow really Beale I've been your friend ever since third grade and you're going to tell me nothing I know when you're lying chloe" Aubrey says getting a little Furious

"Fine but don't tell anyone"Chloe grabs Audrey's wrist and pulls her to the girls restroom.And points to Beca

"Wow The Girl Next to her is way prettier" Aubrey now looking at Stacie and hoping Chloe didn't hear and she didn't.

"Should I go say hi"Chloe says confident smiling at Aubrey.

"Calm down it's the first day of school as much as I know you want to say hi you're still with Tom remember"Aubrey says very seriously.

"I Forgot about him"Chloe says now her smile is disappearing.

"Chloe what's wrong why are you sad" Aubrey says looking into Chloe's blue eyes.

"Tom and I got into a fight" chloe's says trying to hold back her tears.

Aubrey and Chloe hear a voice calling their name, both of them walk out to their classes just saying bye to each other.

"Are you checking out at that girl" Stacie says joking pointing to the Ginger.

"No"Beca face turns completely red.

"Then why is your face red beca ohhh BECA HAS A GIRLFRIEND BEC-" Stacie Says in a childish voice then gets cut off by Beca.

Beca quickly put her hand over Stacie's mouth"Stacie stop it the teacher heard"Beca says in a angry way.

                School bell rings

"Okay everyone you are dismissed"PE teacher says

"Beca what do you have for your second class" Stacie Says excited" I have science do you"

"I have history next" Beca says sadly

"Okay see you at lunch"Stacie gives Beca a quick hug then goes to her class.

"I need to get to class I don't know where it is" Chloe says while running all over campus. Then bumps into someone"omg I'm soo sorry i didn't see you" then Chloe notices it's the girl she saw earlier "hey you're in my PE class"

"Yeah I know let me introduce myself I'm Beca Mitchell" Beca held her hand out.omg what did I just say.

"Nice to meet you Beca I'm Chloe Beale" Chloe shook Beca's hand.

"Why were you running around like crazy"Beca asked

"I couldn't find my class"Chloe said feeling a little embarrassed.

"What class do you have" Beca said awkwardly.

"history" Chloe said hoping Beca had the same class.

Beca got lost in Chloe's beautiful blue eyes.she's so beautiful Beca keep on repeating in her head.

Chloe was staring right back into her eyes then started checking her out.

                    school bell rings

"Chloe!"a familiar voice calls Chloe she turns around to see Tom walking towards her

"Hey To-" Tom cuts Her Off and pulls her in for a kiss.

"I missed you"Tom Whispers into Chloe ear.

Wow did they really have to do in front of me.I feel like my heart has been shattered in a billion pieces why do I feel heartbroken.

Chloe See's how heartbroken Beca is why does she look disappointed and why is tom happy now he was mad at me earlier.

hope you liked it took me about 2 hours but i finally finished it i don't konw when I'm going to make another one but for sure not anytime soon please like and leave a comment

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