Chapter 13 (Parts of it)

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A/N - Okay so I've decided to make this story in third person because yeah. Sorry if it's really bad tho.

Lauren walked up the stairs holding Camila's hand just in case the younger girl would get lost. They both walked down the long hallway and turned to right and faced a closed door. Lauren slowly opened the bedroom, which on the left, revealed a wide white bed that was covered in pillows and blankets and to the right of it was nightstand with a lampshade and a black and white digital clock. The black desk near the corner had books and papers lying on top of it; and opposite it, was a shelf on the wall, filled with classic books. 

Camila's jaw dropped at the sight of the admirable room. She envied Lauren's collections of books, because she didnt own them but simply wished she did. 

"You love to read?" Camila asked whilst walking towards the shelf.

Lauren sat on the end of her bed and nervously fiddled with her fingers. The older girl nodded with her head down, embarrassed at the fact that she spent most of her younger years reading novels whilst most of her friends spent their younger years experimenting with makeup and boys. She heard Camila giggle and looked up, finding the brunette scanning a page from a mini black book with the word 'Diary' written on the cover. Lauren's eyes grew wide at the sight of Camila reading her thoughts and entries.

"What are you reading?" Lauren walked over to Camila and snatched the book out of the younger girl's hand, causing the younger girl to laugh. Lauren quickly scanned the page that was open and silently cursed to herself. Camila grabbed the book out of her hand, cleared her throat and started reading the diary entry.

"Dear diary,

Today at the cafeteria, Luis smiled at me! But it was so embarrassing what happened afterwards... I slipped on a banana peel (I know, so cliche)  that was on the floor and landed on my ass! I know! So embarrassing! And to top it all off; all of my lunch was sprawled across the floor and I didn't have any money to buy myself something. And so I've been starving this whole day and I smelled like disgusting milk! Why do guys have to be so cute? Anyways, im going to take a shower now!" Afterwards the younger girl burst out in laughter and Lauren giggled lightly.

"I can't believe that happened Laur! That must've been so funny to watch!" Camila said still giggling.

"It's so embarrassing!," Lauren dug her face into her pillow and shook her head, "I can't believe you even read that! Ugh, Im going to have to hide that forever!" Lauren took the diary from Camila's hand and placed it on the table. She took the younger girl's hand in her own and lead her towards her bed.

"Ok, sorry to ruin our little funny moment, but we need to get something done." Lauren explained and Camila just nodded her head in agreement. Both of the brunettes grabbed their books and pencil cases and opened up to a fresh page.

"Alright, so I kind of made a list of questions earlier, since I was bored. Is that alright with you?" Camila asked uncertain of whether Lauren would be alright with it.

"Sure, we can just focus on me today?" 

"That'd be great," Camila smiled, "First question.. What is your full name?" 

"Lauren Michelle Jauregui." Lauren answered. Camila shook her head and face palmed herself.

"Right, I already knew that." Lauren chuckled as Camila made the comment.

"Who are you, really?" Camila asked suddenly, causing Lauren to question her with her eyebrows.

"What do you mean Camz?" Lauren asked confused.

"Never mind that question, that was very broad. What do you love about music?" Camila decided to ask one of her other questions to make Lauren forget about it. The older girl cleared her throat and spoke slowly.

"For me, it would have to be the fact that it can take me to a better place; even when im in a good mood or state. I can connect to the music. I feel like I am the song.. You know? I am the words that have been written on paper. I am the words that escape the lips of passionate artists. And the songs that I compose are simply thoughts and ideas from my mind. It's just incredible to me, knowing that I can share a part of myself to others, by singing it to them. Music connects people, it connects minds and brings together the brokeness of souls. It brings peace, joy and happiness to everyone. And I guess that's what I love about music."

Camila listened carefully and watched the older girl speak her mind; beautifully expressing her thoughts and writing them down on a piece of paper. Camila loved the way Lauren spoke, so calm and true. Camila admired her facial features, watching her as the older girls lips smacked together when she was talking while the raspiness in her voice filled her ears. Her answer was truly breathtaking; no one spoke about a topic with such sincerity and caringness. This was one of the things Camila loved about Lauren. She loved how she was deep and thoughtful about many topics that mattered most to her and how Lauren spoke softly; her words flowing after the other. 

A/N - So this is a really quick 'update' for you all. Im incredibly sorry about last week! Ill try to make it up to all of you lovely people! 


- What's your favourite song from the girls' new album?

- Does anyone know anything about buoyancy?


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