02 | sedile passeggero

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IN CASE OF Edoardo Incanti, Eleonora knows that she should keep her distance. So when she finds Edoardo in the front seat instead of Rocco Martucci, she knows nothing right can come out of this. 

Confusion seemed like an understatement when it came to a situation like this. Once realizing the man on the driver's wheel was Edoardo, she was only left flabbergasted in the cold.  

Edoardo, on the other hand, seemed quite composed upon her arrival. Even going as far as getting out of his car to open the car door for Eleonora.

"No," she says automatically. "No way. I am not going into your car. Just for your information, I'm waiting for someone else that doesn't happen to be you."

"Martucci asked me to pick you up," he replies, shifting his eyes from Eleonora to the buildings behind her. "His party got busted a little while ago and he's dealing with police shit after someone was caught smoking weed."

When she doesn't reply, he continues. "Just get in, per favore. It's cold out here."

"How do I know this isn't some part of your sick plan?" 

"Sick plan? What kind of plan would I even stir up?"

"I- Never mind," Eleonora gets onto the passenger's seat without another word.

"You and Martucci, huh!" he remarks once he gets into the car.  "So that's why you turned me down. Your standards are questionable."

"Actually, I found out that he invited me after you asked," she answers matter-of-factly. "Also, I don't understand what kind of low standards someone needs to be attracted to you."

"Ouch," he retorts. "Is it because my mom never told me she loved me? Or is it because my dad, who never came to my football matches? Wait never mind, I get it. It's because I was a late bloomer in middle school and plucked out the pubic hairs on my dick with tape."

Eleonora rubs the bridge of her nose in embarrassment. "You remembered that?"

"Of course I did. How couldn't I forget it, Bellezza?"

She looks away from Edoardo and makes the conscious decision to stare out at the window furthest away from him. 

Edoardo finally ignites the engine. Though, he takes a moment before starting to drive, letting himself adjust to the warmth that the car had provided for a moment. 


Eleonora shakes her head, "No thanks."

"Are you sure?" he asks, looking back at Eleonora, grinning. "Not even Baby K?"

She puts her hands over her face. "Mio Dio, Edoardo! That was only one time!"

"So you do know my name," he replies, smirking.

She turns to look at the mirror so he wouldn't see the growing smile she couldn't help slip onto her face. "Oh shut up, Eduardo."

They fall into a comfortable silence. With Eleonora looking out at the constantly changing scenery and Edoardo's eyes on the road, there wasn't much they could say and they were perfectly content with that. 

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