Falling for the First Time

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So this one is inspired by Billy Brown, a song by Mika.

It goes, "Oh, Billy Brown had lived an ordinary life. Two kids, a dog, and a precautionary wife. Well, it was all going according to plan, then Billy Brown fell in love with another man," so that's where I started to bounce up and down when I shuffled to it on my iPod.

I hope you enjoy it!


     Louis Tomlinson was very, very normal. He had a good job, if it wasn't just a little boring, a nice home, even a wife. They'd been married for five years, and they had three puppies together.

     They would have children if his wife hadn't been sterile. That day at the doctor's office had been the most stressful of his life, waiting to see why it was that they'd been trying for a year to start a family and it wasn't happening. Louis was tested, he was fine. But his wife couldn't get impregnated. She'd cried every day for near a month after.

     But that had been two year before, and they were happy now. The dogs, though they weren't nearly as fun as children would have been, were lovable and kept them happy, just as they kept each other happy. Louis loved his wife absolutely.

     One day, while working at his insurance company, Louis was faced with a strange problem.

     His problem was a man, not much younger than him, maybe twenty-five or six, came in to insure his new car. He had a mop of curly hair, and he was a few inches taller than Louis. The man walked up to Louis' secretary's desk with a shy kind of confidence, like he knew he was in the right place but didn't want to interrupt anything.

     "Hello," the boy spoke politely. "I'm looking for Louis Tomlinson. Is that you, by any chance?"

     Louis looked at the boys face for the first time, and was immediately caught in his emerald eyes. It was the expression in them, the cheerful, carefree expression of his eyes that threw Louis off track. Or the colour; eyes weren't meant to be near that beautiful shade of green.

     "Hi," Louis spoke, barely remembering to answer. "What can I do for you?"

     "I, um, have an appointment," said the curly haired boy. "It is very near ten o'clock, isn't it?" Louis checked his watch, and then the calendar that was open on the computer on the desk. Yes, there it was. A Mr. Harry Styles at ten, plan as day.

     "That's right," Louis answered with a smile, wondering how he could even speak. He'd never been this taken with someone before. Mr. Styles sure did make a good first impression. "We'll just step into my office and get started then, shall we?" Harry answered with a nod and another polite smile.

     Louis entered his office and was a bit surprised by the heat of the room. It felt small and uncomfortable in his office for the first time in months, and he was dreading what that meant for later that summer.

     "It's a bit stuffy in here, don't you think?" Louis asked Harry. The curly head nodding, speaking a brief agreement. "Mind if I crack the window?" Harry replied that he didn't mind.

     The fresh air waved in from the window, and Louis took a deep breath to collect himself before turning back to the boy who was still standing in the middle of his office.

     "Please," Louis told him, gesturing to the chairs, "have a seat and we'll get down to business." As Louis went over the forms with Harry, who was sitting just on the other side of his desk, he found it hard to concentrate.  The curly haired boy wasn't being distracting on purpose, but Louis found that the small things he did- flip his hair out of his eyes, crack his knuckles, scrub the back of his neck with his hand- were enough to gather his attention and take it away from the complex and boring form Harry had to sign and initial.

     They were almost finished, and Louis was showing Harry some places where the younger had to sign in the forms, when their hands touched for the first time. They just brushed, but Louis felt himself blush and he jerk his hand back in shock. Because that's what it felt like, a shock; not one that hurt, but on that sent excited energy coursing through his veins.

     He cleared his throat and tried to carry on, but after that things had changed. Louis' breathing wasn't normal, he seemed to not be getting enough air. They needed to finish this, and finish it quickly, before Louis lost his mind. He didn't know what this feeling was, why his face was flushing his pulse was rushing. It was only then that Louis realised he thought the boy was pretty. He'd thought that about boys before, yes, but he had never really enjoyed looking at them before. Harry, on the other hand, was beautiful. Maybe it wasn't even his looks, maybe it was the personality that shown in his features. Louis didn't know, but whatever this boy had, be liked it.

     "Well, Mister Styles," Louis announced, "it seems as though your work here is done. It wasn't that bad a half an hour, was it?" Louis had meant for it to be an insurance joke, being as insurance was always extremely boring, but Harry seemed to take it in a different way.

     "Call me Harry," he prompted, not for the first time. "And no, it wasn't that bad. I've had worse." His lips spread into a smile that was almost... Coy. Was he-? No. He couldn't be flirting with Louis, could he?

     Regardless of the truth in the matter, Louis was struck dumb. "Um," was his intelligent answer, and he and Harry just looked at each other for a moment while Louis tried to make his brain work again. "I, uh, guess I'll be seeing you around then Mis- Harry." He smiled back, his heart doing backflips in his chest, and when Harry reached his hand out to shake his, Louis almost fainted.

     Their hands clasped, and it was like before, a shock that wasn't a shock, it was a serge of energy. Something was going on here, and Louis didn't know if he liked it or not. Their hands pumped up and down once, twice, slowly, and then stopped all together. They stood like that for a moment, hands together, just looking at each other. Louis was, by now, completely lost in the perfect green of Harry's eyes, and Harry wasn't looking away, either. A small, almost flirty smile shown on Harry's face, and Louis found himself thinking about Harry's lips. They were very close, their hands being held just between them. If he went up on his tip toes, just a little bit, he could-

     What? Louis' thoughts broke off in mid-stride as Harry pulled his hand away. He loved his wife; this had never happened to him before. But the green eyed boy was just... Captivating. Stunning.

     As Louis drew in a breath to say something that he probably shouldn't have, Harry started sooner.

     "Hey, um..." Harry spoke, sounding nervous and adorable. "Do you want to grab a drink sometime?" Louis let out the breath he didn't know he'd been holding, glad he wasn't the one who had to ask.

     "I'd love to," he said, letting his happiness show in his face. Louis' smile seemed a bit contagious, and Harry caught it almost immediately.

     Harry puffed out a breath, as if he'd been holding one as well. "Great. How about Friday?"

     "Sure," Louis answered. He didn't have anything else to do on a Friday night. "There's a place down on 5th called Roots."

     "I love that place," they exchanged a look that showed they were pleased they already had something in common. "Say 2200?"

     Louis almost said, "It's a date!" but stopped himself at the last second. "I'll see you there," he said instead, excited that he had a... Well, a date. But he wasn't going to call it that.

     Harry left, and Louis turned around to go back into his office. It was about four steps away that they both looked back at each other, and Louis' stomach did backflips. He couldn't wait for Friday.


So what did you think? Not bad for the first chapter.

The other ones will be much longer, don't worry. 

Larry Stylinson AU: Billy BrownWhere stories live. Discover now