A new world

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I can't believe I'm a witch! I smile,looking at Claire. She smiles and laughs.

"Go to page 29 and go up stairs to you're room." I do what she says and go to my room. I open to page 29 and see a bunch of spells. "Number 3." I read it out loud.


A door appears right in front of us. I step forward and open it. My mouth drops as I gasp.

The door opens to a village. I step through,followed by Claire and the door disappears.

The village is filled with cottages and shops. There's people flying around on brooms in the distant and all sorts of different people walking around but one catches my eyes.

He's tall,with black hair and browns eyes. He's in a black and red cloak and black skinny jeans. He's very cute too. Once he notices me staring at him he walks over to us.

"Hi,I'm Chase. I'm a local wizard from Ravenwood." He sticks out his hand and I shake it. "You seem lost,are you a muggle?"

"No,she's a new witch and I'm a house fairy." Claire steps in "I'm from the Creek." I forgot she was a fairy. She told me when we met when I was little. House fairies are common at home to help clean but she was only 2 years older than me. She came to stay with us when I was 9. We've stayed bff's since.

"Great! Uh,names?" Chase asked

"I'm Claire and this is Grace." I smile,thinking about this new world.

"Nice to meet ya Grace." He nods. "Follow me,I'll show you to my cottage." We follow him to a small cottage in the woods.

"You guys can stay in the loft." He points to a set of stairs leading to a pale room with two beds and a walk in wordrobe.

"Thank you,do you mind if we go back into town?" Claire asked. I'm still speechless about this situation.

"Sure! Let's go." We all walk into town. Claire goes off into a shop leaving me alone with Chase.

"What is this place anyways!?" I ask,looking around.

"This,this is Teribithia!" He smiles at me and shows me around the town.

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