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My family have many secrets. I'm yet to uncover most of them. A lot of them are just small things each just as meaningless as the last. But for a family of 3, who live over 100 kilometres from their closest relatives having so many secrets from each other doesn't really make sense.

People used to always tell me I was blessing to m family. They would tell me how important I was to the family, how perfect I am. I never once asked why and now I regret that. Because there's nothing special about me. I'm not important to my family anymore; and I sure as hell am not perfect. What they wanted I couldn't give.

Gatherings were common at my place. They thrived with big feasts, lot's of colour, chatter, laughter and alcohol. My father was a well known man in the town. He owned pretty much everything the small town had to offer. Bars, supermarkets, hotels you name it, we owned it. My mother too was well known in the town, she was a doctor. Marysford cherished her dearly. Our house as you can imagine was very large. Biggest known to most people in the town. It sat at the very end of the town on the highest point. The view from every window was spectacular. It was a beautiful town even in regards to its lack of life.

That is the reason my father decided to host town parties or gatherings as he exclaimed them. He wanted to bring life to the people of Marysford. My mother would bake for days prior to the party in hope to have enough food to supply the whole town. Everyone came to the parties. It didn't matter who you were or what your class was, you were invited. The parties were more for the adults I later realised. But I still enjoyed myself as much as I could. Sophistication and perfection was strived for, by every family. That's why everyone envied my mother and father, my family. I guess I couldn't blame them. We had everything that made you perfect. Wealth, sophistication, manners and a kind heart. At least on the surface we did. They were good people, my parents. They surfaced the side of their personalities that made other people envy them.

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